Hackish tool to export Messages and attachments from an unencrypted iphone backup - GitHub - sethrj/iphone-message-export: Hackish tool to export Messages and attachments from an unencrypted iphone...
Parses an SQLite database from an iPhone and runs statistical analysis on these messages. - GitHub - ryanseys/iphone-sms-stats: Parses an SQLite database from an iPhone and runs statistical analysi...
Code sign iOS applications, without proprietary Apple software or hardware - GitHub - sauce-archives/isign: Code sign iOS applications, without proprietary Apple software or hardware
Script for generating an iTunes Connect package (.itmsp) straight from the file system - GitHub - evilwindowdog/itunesfs: Script for generating an iTunes Connect package (.itmsp) straight from the ...
Python CLI tool to help with keeping a work/personal journal - GitHub - askedrelic/journal: Python CLI tool to help with keeping a work/personal journal
The Knowledge Engineering ENvironment for Timeline-based Planning - GitHub - ugilio/keen: The Knowledge Engineering ENvironment for Timeline-based Planning
Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS - GitHub - kivy/kivy: Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, And...
The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs). - GitHub - KnuffApp/Knuff: The debug application for Apple Push Notification Service (APNs).
Add movies to CouchPotato from Launch Center Pro on iOS - GitHub - niels-k-86/lcp-pythonista-couchpotato: Add movies to CouchPotato from Launch Center Pro on iOS
Open links in their native apps **Obsolete, use LinkOpener** - GitHub - efrederickson/Link2App: Open links in their native apps **Obsolete, use LinkOpener**
Final version of the LinkedTV (linkedtv.eu) Editor Tool - GitHub - beeldengeluid/linkedtv-editortool: Final version of the LinkedTV (linkedtv.eu) Editor Tool