Xcode template for building standalone apps from Pythonista (iOS) scripts - GitHub - omz/PythonistaAppTemplate: Xcode template for building standalone apps from Pythonista (iOS) scripts
A proof-of-concept integrating Pythonista with Storyboards and python-artnet, ultimately abandoned in favor of a pure-C approach (*sigh*) - GitHub - philchristensen/Pythonista-Artnet: A proof-of-co...
it's just a simple project for learning how a interpreter works. - GitHub - xielingwang/pyScheme: it's just a simple project for learning how a interpreter works.
This repo is no longer actively maintained. I found that Gists are better for this kind of thing. If you're looking for an updated version of something you find here, search my Gists or giv...
Key-value store using iOS Reminders for persistence and distribution across iOS devices. - GitHub - mikaelho/pythonista-reminderstore: Key-value store using iOS Reminders for persistence and distri...
Add movies to CouchPotato from Launch Center Pro on iOS - GitHub - niels-k-86/lcp-pythonista-couchpotato: Add movies to CouchPotato from Launch Center Pro on iOS
Blank pyui files for all iOS device screen sizes, as well as an editor action for copying them to your current working directory. - GitHub - controversial/Pythonista-UI-Templates: Blank pyui files...
The index powering pythonista-cloud, the package manager for Pythonista. - GitHub - pythonista-cloud/server: The index powering pythonista-cloud, the package manager for Pythonista.