A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, it's Emacs *and* Vim! - GitHub - syl20bnr/spacemacs: A community-driven Emacs distribution - The best edit...
A graphical frontend for exploring your org-roam Zettelkasten - GitHub - org-roam/org-roam-ui: A graphical frontend for exploring your org-roam Zettelkasten
Presentation Archives for my macOS and iOS Related Research - GitHub - mac4n6/Presentations: Presentation Archives for my macOS and iOS Related Research
TypedTree provides a tree data structure that allows adding type information to its nodes and references to other nodes; useful for visualisation purposes - GitHub - brettkromkamp/typed-tree: Typed...
csvreader library / gem - read tabular data in the comma-separated values (csv) format the right way (uses best practices out-of-the-box with zero-configuration) - GitHub - csvreader/csvreader: cs...
A list of command line tools for manipulating structured text data - GitHub - dbohdan/structured-text-tools: A list of command line tools for manipulating structured text data
Import structured data (e.g. Excel, CSV, XML, JSON) into one or more Django models via an interactive web-based wizard - GitHub - wq/django-data-wizard: Import structured data (e.g. Excel, ...
Create a fully customizable, interactive timelines and 2d-graphs with items and ranges. - GitHub - visjs/vis-timeline: Create a fully customizable, interactive timelines and 2d-graphs with item...
Track, visualize, and embed your health and life data location, health, work, play, and more - GitHub - stethoscope-js/stethoscope: Track, visualize, and embed your health and life data loc...
A quantified-self project that displays charts representing location data from Google Takeout. The user inputs a file path for downloaded JSON Google Takeout location data and the coordinates for p...