GitHub - br3ndonland/udacity-fsnd: Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program (FSND) course materials
GitHub - breck7/scroll: Tools for thought.
GitHub - bryan1anderson/iMessage-to-Day-One-Importer: Grabs all the iMessages from Chat.db and begins an import into Day One App
GitHub - brunobritodev/awesome-github-stats: Show everyone how amazing you are! Stay motivated and display your total contributions and level on your GitHub profile README
GitHub - BubuAnabelas/awesome-markdown: Delightful Markdown stuff.
GitHub - brraghav/simpleTools: This Repository is intended to create and maintain simple Tools that anyone can use without having to code. The tools can be as simple as extracting few keywords from text, but with lot of options and customizations.
GitHub - Buza/OpenPhoto: OpenPhoto for iOS
A static site generator made for MarkDown, HTML, JsonSchema, XMLSchema, and more
GitHub - C2DH/histograph: Neo4j powered web application for multimedia collections: bring graph-based exploration and crowd-based indexation.
GitHub - anhthii/Echo: A music streaming app built with React and Nodejs
GitHub - balthisar/xExtension-RedditSub: A FreshRSS Extension to Show a Reddit Subreddit as Part of the Article Title
GitHub - blueudp/Deep-Explorer: Deep Explorer is a ( 1 day developed ) tool made in python which purpose is the search of hidden services in tor network, using Ahmia Browser and crawling the links obtained
GitHub - brows3r/iPwn: A Framework meant for the exploitation of iOS devices.
GitHub - bxrlin/blossom-night-startpage: Aesthetic Startpage with Essential Bookmarks
GitHub - C0MPL3XDEV/E4GL30S1NT: E4GL30S1NT - Simple Information Gathering Tool
GitHub - cadeyrn/bookmarks-organizer: With the Bookmarks Organizer it's easy to put order in your bookmarks. The Bookmarks Organizer finds no longer working bookmarks, redirects, duplicates and more!
GitHub - summitech/gitexplorer: Find the right git commands without digging through the web.
GitHub wchorskiobsidiandeveloper tutorials set up self hosted routing tooling home lab etc
tutorials set up self hosted routing tooling home lab etc wchorskiobsidiandeveloper
suddi/ A static single-page application resume-builder developed using React.js and JSON Resume schema (
GitHub - streetcomplete/StreetComplete: Easy to use OpenStreetMap editor for Android
GitHub - wchorski/nextjs-obsidian-publish: alternative to Obsidian Publish
GitHub - stevemao/awesome-git-addons: A curated list of add-ons that extend/enhance the git CLI.
GitHub - StefanoCecere/DayOne2Markdown: a script to export from Day One journal to md blog entries
GitHub - watsonbox/exportify: Export/Backup Spotify playlists using the Web API
GitHub - stefanbuck/awesome-browser-extensions-for-github: A collection of awesome browser extensions for GitHub.
GitHub - staniel359/muffon: Music streaming browser
GitHub - sramezani/resume-builder: Modern real-time design and 100% free resume builder.
GitHub - squeek502/audiometa: An audio metadata/tag reading library written in Zig
GitHub - wardsquid/journal: Inkling is your journaling partner. It utilizes the latent data your phone collects throughout your day to build a journal entry that you can easily edit, save, and share with loved ones.