GitHub - charmbracelet/gum: A tool for glamorous shell scripts
GitHub - charmbracelet/glow: Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz!
GitHub - cfinke/OSX-Messages-Exporter: Exports iMessages and SMS's to files.
GitHub - CesiumLabs/frost: A static site generator.
GitHub - CCharlieLi/bookmark-parser: Find and parse Firefox/Chrome bookmark HTML and jsonlz4 file into useable JSON object or export as JSON file.
GitHub - causefx/Organizr: HTPC/Homelab Services Organizer - Written in PHP
GitHub - CatchZeng/Localizable.strings2Excel: Python command line tool for conversion between iOS strings files and excel files & between android strings.xml files and excl files. & strings files to android strings.xml files.
GitHub - casualsnek/onthespot: qt based music downloader written in python
GitHub - caronchen/obsidian-chartsview-plugin: Data visualization solution in Obsidian, support plots and graphs.
GitHub - CamHenlin/MessagesForMacintosh: An Apple iMessage client for classic Macintosh (System 2.0 - MacOS 9.2.2)
GitHub - CamHenlin/iMessageWebClient: send and receive iMessages on anything with a web browser
GitHub - CamHenlin/iMessageService: send and receive iMessages on anything with a web browser
GitHub - CamHenlin/imessageninja: hosted iMessage service
GitHub - CamHenlin/iMessageModule: A node module for sending iMessages on your Mac
GitHub - CamHenlin/imessageclient: send and receive iMessages in a terminal or over ssh
GitHub - CamHenlin/imessagebot: Who wouldn't want to iMessage a bot?
GitHub - calibr/node-bookmarks-parser: Parses Firefox/Chrome HTML bookmarks files
GitHub - cadeyrn/bookmarks-organizer: With the Bookmarks Organizer it's easy to put order in your bookmarks. The Bookmarks Organizer finds no longer working bookmarks, redirects, duplicates and more!
GitHub - C2DH/histograph: Neo4j powered web application for multimedia collections: bring graph-based exploration and crowd-based indexation.
GitHub - C0MPL3XDEV/E4GL30S1NT: E4GL30S1NT - Simple Information Gathering Tool
GitHub - bxrlin/blossom-night-startpage: Aesthetic Startpage with Essential Bookmarks
A static site generator made for MarkDown, HTML, JsonSchema, XMLSchema, and more
GitHub - Buza/OpenPhoto: OpenPhoto for iOS
GitHub - BubuAnabelas/awesome-markdown: Delightful Markdown stuff.
GitHub - bryan1anderson/iMessage-to-Day-One-Importer: Grabs all the iMessages from Chat.db and begins an import into Day One App
GitHub - brunobritodev/awesome-github-stats: Show everyone how amazing you are! Stay motivated and display your total contributions and level on your GitHub profile README
GitHub - brraghav/simpleTools: This Repository is intended to create and maintain simple Tools that anyone can use without having to code. The tools can be as simple as extracting few keywords from text, but with lot of options and customizations.
GitHub - brows3r/iPwn: A Framework meant for the exploitation of iOS devices.
GitHub - breck7/scroll: Tools for thought.