GitHub - beetbox/beets: music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger
GitHub - bearlike/my-popos-setup: A list of boring installations and configurations that I have to do every time I flush my PC.
GitHub - bbkane/starghaze: Save information about your GitHub starred repos into Google Sheets, Zinc, and SQLite!
GitHub - Bastian-Kuhn/DayOne2Html: Script to Convert DayOne Json into HTML
GitHub - basarat/typescript-book: The definitive guide to TypeScript and possibly the best TypeScript book . Free and Open Source
The static site generator for Grav CMS
GitHub - balthisar/xExtension-RedditSub: A FreshRSS Extension to Show a Reddit Subreddit as Part of the Article Title
GitHub - balogunpraise/bookmarkapp: A simple bookmark application using nestjs
GitHub - badges/shields: Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
GitHub - bachya/Sifttter-Redux: IFTTT to Day One service
GitHub - b2a3e8/jekyll-theme-console: A jekyll theme inspired by linux consoles for hackers, developers and script kiddies.
GitHub - azuline/repertoire: whoops never finished this lol, don't look it's old and embarrassing
GitHub - Azim-vau/crack-pro: NEW FACEBOOK COINING TOOL
GitHub - AykutSarac/ Seamlessly visualize your JSON data instantly into graphs; paste, import or fetch!
GitHub - axiros/terminal_markdown_viewer: Styled Terminal Markdown Viewer
GitHub - axelhahn/pimped-apache-status: Pimped Apache status page; PHP web application that renders server-status page and makes it readable; even for load balanced websites
GitHub - Awesome-Windows/Awesome: An awesome & curated list of best applications and tools for Windows.
GitHub - avirut/obsidian-metatemplates: Take advantage of YAML front-matter in generating notes from templates (for
GitHub - aviranzerioniac/awesome-piracy: This is oftentimes a clone of the original awesome piracy repo. At times, i just go along editing a little too many links from the collection, and it becomes something else.
GitHub - automata/awesome-jamstack: Carefully curated list of awesome Jamstack resources
GitHub - AutomaApp/automa: A browser extension for automating your browser by connecting blocks
GitHub - auroracramer/dayone-audio-summarizer: Generating summarizations of DayOne audio journals in Markdown format
GitHub - AurelienAubry/Spotlight: Spotlight is a Spotify dashboard that allows user to visualize his listening habits.
GitHub - aurelien-brabant/nextcloud-music-player: [WIP] A clone of Apple's music app designed to work with any nextcloud instance, build with react native
GitHub - Aufree/ESTMusicPlayer: An elegant and simple iOS music player.
GitHub - atsuoishimoto/python-raindropio: Python wrapper for API.
GitHub - atkinsio/bookmarks-html-generator: A tool which allows you to convert a list of URLs into Bookmarks for use with all major browsers.
Releases athensresearch/athens
athensresearch/athens: ATHENS IS NO LONGER BEING ACTIVELY MAINTAINED. Athens is an open-source, collaborative knowledge graph.