Key-value store using iOS Reminders for persistence and distribution across iOS devices. - GitHub - mikaelho/pythonista-reminderstore: Key-value store using iOS Reminders for persistence and distri...
Add movies to CouchPotato from Launch Center Pro on iOS - GitHub - niels-k-86/lcp-pythonista-couchpotato: Add movies to CouchPotato from Launch Center Pro on iOS
Blank pyui files for all iOS device screen sizes, as well as an editor action for copying them to your current working directory. - GitHub - controversial/Pythonista-UI-Templates: Blank pyui files...
The index powering pythonista-cloud, the package manager for Pythonista. - GitHub - pythonista-cloud/server: The index powering pythonista-cloud, the package manager for Pythonista.
[WIP] Scrapes various sites around the web to find active Pythonistas and tie profiles to identities. - GitHub - lyndsysimon/python-prospects: [WIP] Scrapes various sites around the web to find act...
Pythonista script that prompts you to take two pictures and then automatically merges the two images into a single image and saves it to your camera roll. - GitHub - mygeekdaddy/camera_photo_merge:...
Bash-like history, and history substitution for shellista - GitHub - jsbain/shellista-bashhistory: Bash-like history, and history substitution for shellista
A small collection of Python scripts to archive certain data from the internet - GitHub - lukaskollmer/archive_scripts: A small collection of Python scripts to archive certain data from the internet
Python tools for working with Sound Pressure Level files generated by the iOS apps SPLnFFT and SPLnWatch - GitHub - cclauss/SPLnFFT_tools: Python tools for working ...
A tool for sending your clipboard from iOS to your computer and back - GitHub - sedm0784/thereiclippedit: A tool for sending your clipboard from iOS to your computer and back
An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing - GitHub - BradLarson/GPUImage: An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing
Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout - GitHub - SnapKit/Masonry: Harness the power of AutoLayout ...