The definitive list of lists (of lists) curated on GitHub and elsewhere - GitHub - jnv/lists: The definitive list of lists (of lists) curated on GitHub and elsewhere
A list containing .onion links for the tor network aka the dark web - GitHub - 5ky1ar/Awesome-Onion-Links: A list containing .onion links for the tor network aka the dark web
My old custom startpage, based off WebOasis. No longer in use because it's super heavy. - GitHub - thezeroalpha/zerotab-old: My old custom startpage, based off WebOasis. No longer in use be...
Here is a list of repos to use on Cydia or Zebra, all tested daily (I think this is a good start on GitHub) - GitHub - lucidslair666/ReposList: Here is a list of repos to use on Cydia or Zebra, all...
An iOS 14 Shortcuts creator written in Swift, inspired by SwiftUI. - GitHub - a2/swift-shortcuts: An iOS 14 Shortcuts creator written in Swift, inspired by SwiftUI.
a standard filetree for /r/datacurator [ and r/datahoarder ] - GitHub - roboyoshi/datacurator-filetree: a standard filetree for /r/datacurator [ and r/datahoarder ]
Curated list of inspiring and thoughtful answers given on stackoverflow, quora, etc. - GitHub - cyberglot/awesome-answers: Curated list of inspiring and thoughtful answers given on stackoverflow, q...
:chart_with_upwards_trend: A curated list of awesome data visualization libraries and resources. - GitHub - javierluraschi/awesome-dataviz: A curated list of awesome data visualization libraries a...
Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. - GitHub - serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps: Awesome list of open source applications for macOS. http...
My curated list of awesome links, resources and tools on infosec related topics - GitHub - pe3zx/my-infosec-awesome: My curated list of awesome links, resources and tools on infosec related topics
A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects - GitHub - vsouza/awesome-ios: A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things. - GitHub - herrbischoff/awesome-macos-command-line: Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.
List of applications and tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing - GitHub - nikitavoloboev/my-mac-os: List of applications and tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing
A curated list of awesome information retrieval resources - GitHub - harpribot/awesome-information-retrieval: A curated list of awesome information retrieval resources
A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more. - GitHub - trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge: A collection of inspiring lists, manuals,...
Awesome list of data export pages/tools for most common online services - GitHub - ivbeg/awesome-data-takeout: Awesome list of data export pages/tools for most common online services
Python script to analyze the contents of your Facebook data export - GitHub - leerob/facebook-data-analyzer: Python script to analyze the contents of your Facebook data export
An ActivityWatch watcher to pose questions to the user and record her answers. - GitHub - bcbernardo/aw-watcher-ask: An ActivityWatch watcher to pose questions to the user and record her answers.