GitHub - source-foundry/Hack: A typeface designed for source code
GitHub - soulintzis/Google-maps-Location-Takeout-Visualizer: Crowdsourcing application using Google Timeline Data
GitHub - sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi: Code. Music. Live.
GitHub - Solido/awesome-flutter: An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
GitHub - soleaf/EvernoteToDayone2: Move notes from Evernote to DayOne2 on Mac
GitHub - software-made-easy/html2md: Simple and fast HTML to Markdown conversion library with table support
GitHub - SnShine/Wordpress-to-DayOne: Imports wordpress blog entries to DayOne journal
GitHub - SnShine/Twitter-to-DayOne: Fetches all your tweets of the day and makes a DayOne entry.
GitHub - smklancher/ExistExportToSQL: Import data into SQL Server
GitHub - smarj/Ulysses-Journal-Import: Import Day One JSON export into Ulysses
GitHub - sleepyqadir/TechFolio: An Open Sourced Creative Portfolio for Developer and Tech Geeks
GitHub - skeate/Leaflet.timeline: Display arbitrary GeoJSON on a map with a timeline slider and play button
siyuan-note/siyuan: A privacy-first, self-hosted, fully open source personal knowledge management software, written in typescript and golang.
GitHub - sirredbeard/Awesome-UNIX: All the UNIX and UNIX-Like: Linux, BSD, macOS, Illumos, 9front, and more.
GitHub - sipspatidar/Instagram-Backup-Data-Viewer: To view the download backup data(message) of instagram
GitHub - sinwindie/OSINT: Collections of tools and methods created to aid in OSINT collection
GitHub - sintaxi/harp: Static Web Server/Generator/Bundler
GitHub - singlequote/laravel-filemanager: A laravel filemanager package
GitHub - sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs: Delightful Node.js packages and resources
GitHub - simsor/takeout-browser: Web gallery to browse a Google Photos extract using Takeout
GitHub - simple-icons/simple-icons: SVG icons for popular brands
GitHub - simonwongwong/Facebook-Messenger-Statistics: Discover fun stats about your Facebook Messenger usage such as: most used words, most active year, most active hours, etc. using this Jupyter Notebook
GitHub - simonwongwong/Facebook-Messenger-JSON-viewer: If you've downloaded your Facebook data in JSON format, this tool lets you read the chats more intuitively
GitHub - simonmichael/hledger: Robust, fast, intuitive plain text accounting tool with CLI, TUI and web interfaces.
GitHub - simonelnahas/DayOne2-import-from-CSViMoodJournal: a python script for importing entries into DayOne2 from CSV export from iMoodJournal
GitHub - simonedegiacomi/gphotosuploader: Unofficial Google Photos uploader and Go library
GitHub - silnshadow/InstagramMessages: This project is an attempt to make Instagram backup messages from Json to readable format.
GitHub - SilentCircle/iap-local-receipt: Python library to do local server-side verification of iOS App Store receipts
GitHub - Siguza/imobax: iOS Mobile Backup Extractor
GitHub - SignTools/SignTools: A free, self-hosted platform to sideload iOS apps without a computer