ST31000528AS, 9VP, SU, PN 9SL154-302, FW CC38, Seagate 1TB SATA 3.5 Hard Drive
ST31000528AS 9SL154-021 HP34 SU 100536501 REV A 3.5'' SATA 1TB Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 circuit board +FW Seagate repair fix swap PCB circuit board parts donor board replacement burnt controller board green card mother card hard drive data recovery
Hard Drive Logic / Circuit Board for Data Recovery (How to fix a dead hard drive) Specifications: Seagate 3.5'' SATA ST31000528AS 9SL154-021 HP34SU 100536501 REV A PCB May be able to fix: hd board Has burnt out; dead hard drive won't spin up; hard drive is clicking; hard drive has burnt chip; pcb smooth chip burnt
ST31000528AS - Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 1TB 7200RPM SATA 3Gb/s 32MB Cache 3.5-inch Hard Drive
Enhance your desktop hard drive with Seagate ST31000528AS. Offering up to 1 TB of capacity, this hard drive can be a game changer for you. With 3.5 inch size, SATAinterface, and speed of 7200 RPM, it is one of the best hard drives available in the market.
Seagate ST31000528AS Repair & Data Recovery | Outsource Data Recovery
Seagate ST31000528AS hard drive not working? Outsource is experienced with Seagate ST31000528AS hard drive data recovery and repairs. You will get your data back so you can get on with your life.
Seagate ST31000528AS PCB Board | HDDZone Blog
ST31000528AS is a common model of Seagate hard drives. Many customers write to HDDZONE to find a suitable replacement circuit board for this type of hard drive. We know that replacing the circuit board is a very simple way to repair the hard drive's board fault. By replacing the board, the hard disk can be ... Read more
Seagate ST31000528AS 9SL154-578 CC38 WU 100536501 Donor PCB Barracuda 7200.12 1TB + Firmware Transfer
Donor PCB for Data Recovery: Seagate ST31000528AS 9SL154-578 CC38 WU 100536501 Hard Drive PCB Circuit Board Barracuda 7200.12 1TB
replacing a seagate st31000528as hard drive | Tom's Hardware Forum
What can I replace a seagate st31000528as hard drive with? Does it need to be the same? I have a HP p6774y Amd Phenom(tm) II x4840t processor 2.90 ghz, 6gb ram, 64 bit OS. the hard drive won't...
Fix Seagate ST31000528AS PCB Board 100536501
If a Seagate HDD (Model # ST31000528AS) with the PCB board (PCB # 100536501) inside has the following failure symptoms, you need to replace and repair the PCB board in order to recover data on it, this article will show you how to buy a matching replacement PCB for Seagate hard disk drive ST31000528AS and ... Read more
Data Recovery Ann Arbor Hard Drive & RAID Recovery Service
Ann Arbor, MI Data Recovery Service for failed, damaged, crashed, clicking and dead hard drive recovery, RAID recovery, flash drive recovery. Call- 313-924-3152