iOS Apps

Tot Pocket
Tot Pocket
Tot is an elegant, simple way to collect & edit text across your Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Its your tiny text companion! Less Is More Tots single window design and simple formatting controls mean no more hunting for that chunk of text. Seven color-coded dots let you organize your notes while keepi
Tot Pocket
Snippit is a code management app for the cloud. Without iCloud, you can still use Snippit - it just won't be quite so cool. With Snippit, you can.. Create & Edit Snippets in Objective-C, Swift, Python, and dozens more! Edit your code Share Image of your snippet with line numbers, pre-form
Markdown Tables
Markdown Tables
Easy creation and editing of tables for your favorite Markdown writing app.
Markdown Tables
Text Workflow
Text Workflow
A powerful and easy to use tool that will help you transform your text. Text Workflow removes the need to perform repetitive tasks manually on your text. Combine transformation actions to create powerful automations for your text. Save your transformation workflows to use them any time want. Ava
Text Workflow
Discover an innovative new way of calculating, modeling, visualizing, and making your insights come to life. It is fun, new, different, and just a pleasure to post a beautiful visual for the world to see: Perform calculations and predictions Got a number wrong? Just change it and all your calcu
Buffer Editor - Code Editor
Buffer Editor - Code Editor
Listed in creativebloq, techworld and wpmudev as one of the best code editors. Buffer Editor is a POWERFUL code and text editor that lets you easily develop software, view code or take notes on the go. Join thousands of coders who trust Buffer Editor for fast, powerful, and advanced code editing on
Buffer Editor - Code Editor
Announcing the Shortcuts Catalog for iOS 14, feat. 300 shortcuts & 300 actions
Announcing the Shortcuts Catalog for iOS 14, feat. 300 shortcuts & 300 actions
Jump straight to the Catalog or sign up for a membership. Its finally here! Apple has released iOS 14, iPadOS 14, and watchOS 7 to users around the world and that means everyone who updates will have the newest version of Siri Shortcuts installed. Alongside todays updates, Im releasing the following: the official iOS []
Announcing the Shortcuts Catalog for iOS 14, feat. 300 shortcuts & 300 actions
Shortcuts Utilities
Shortcuts Utilities
Bringing a whole set of new capabilities to Shortcuts. Easily read, write or append a Google Sheet. Duplicate a Google Drive file. Action list: - Google Sheets: Read, write or append - Google Drive: Duplicate a file - Google Drive: URL of a file - Google Drive: List your files
Shortcuts Utilities
Experience the App Store and iTunes Anywhere
SpotiStats by Ludovic Burnier
SpotiStats by Ludovic Burnier
With this application you'll be able to find out who your favourite artists have been for the last month, the last 6 months or since you've had Spotify. You'll be able to do the same with your favourite music! You can also easily edit your playlists with the Playlist Manager, and find out if there's
SpotiStats by Ludovic Burnier
Spotistats for Spotify by Sjoerd Bolten
Spotistats for Spotify by Sjoerd Bolten
Spotistats for Spotify provides insight into your most listened songs and artists, with a choice of different periods. You can also make a playlist with your top songs and keep them synchronized! Or send your friends a friend request to view each other's stats and recently played! You can also see
Spotistats for Spotify by Sjoerd Bolten
Medium by A Medium Corporation
Medium by A Medium Corporation
Medium is an open platform where over 100 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. Read. Easily find and follow writers and publications that matter to you, and keep
Medium by A Medium Corporation
Apollo for Reddit by Christian Selig
Apollo for Reddit by Christian Selig
"Simply remarkable, [] youre nuts if you dont try Apollo." - John Gruber, Daring Fireball "The best Reddit app for iOS" - The Sweet Setup "Apollo is the best Reddit client I have ever used. Period." - iMore "Apollo makes the wild world of Reddit more accessible than ever before, and it may just b
Apollo for Reddit by Christian Selig
Zulip by Kandra Labs, Inc.
Zulip by Kandra Labs, Inc.
The official Zulip mobile app. If this is your first time using Zulip, we recommend starting with the web or desktop app for the best setup experience. Please send questions, comments, and bug reports to, or tweet @zulip. Zulip is a team chat product for enterprises, open-so
Zulip by Kandra Labs, Inc.
Discord - Talk, Chat & Hangout by Discord, Inc.
Discord - Talk, Chat & Hangout by Discord, Inc.
Discord is where you can make a home for your communities and friends. Where you can stay close and have fun over text, voice, and video. Whether youre part of a school club, a gaming group, a worldwide art community, or just a handful of friends that want to spend time together, Discord makes it e
Discord - Talk, Chat & Hangout by Discord, Inc.
Slack by Slack Technologies, Inc.
Slack by Slack Technologies, Inc.
Slack brings team communication and collaboration into one place so you can get more work done, whether you belong to a large enterprise or a small business. Check off your to-do list and move your projects forward by bringing the right people, conversations, tools, and information you need together
Slack by Slack Technologies, Inc.
DocumentsFile Reader. Browser by Readdle Technologies Limited
DocumentsFile Reader. Browser by Readdle Technologies Limited
The super app for iPhone & iPad. Read, listen, view, annotate almost anything you want on your iPad and iPhone. Files, documents, books, any content is at home in Documents by Readdle. Its the Finder for iOS youve always wanted. App Store Editors' Choice in 70+ countries "It's a tool that will h
DocumentsFile Reader. Browser by Readdle Technologies Limited
Day One Journal: Private Diary by Bloom Built Inc
Day One Journal: Private Diary by Bloom Built Inc
Apples App of the Year with over 15 million downloads and 50,000 5-star reviews globally. From once-in-a-lifetime events to everyday moments, Day Ones elegant interface makes journaling about your life a simple pleasure. New York Times: It feels almost sacred: A completely private digital space.
Day One Journal: Private Diary by Bloom Built Inc