Found 265 bookmarks
; # tar -zxvf mongodb-osx-ssl-x86_64-3.6.5.tgz # mv mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.6.5 mongodb-3.6.5 # vim ~/.zshrc export MONGODB_HOME
Software for Windows to allow you to read your iPhone text (SMS) information while on your PC.
iMessage for Windows
iMessage for Windows
A year and a half ago, I heeded the growing warning signs that indicated the looming demise of macOS, nee OS X, as a platform for developer and true computer enthusiasts, and set about trying to fi
iMessage for Windows
Shortcuts Utilities
Shortcuts Utilities
Bringing a whole set of new capabilities to Shortcuts. Easily read, write or append a Google Sheet. Duplicate a Google Drive file. Action list: - Google Sheets: Read, write or append - Google Drive: Duplicate a file - Google Drive: URL of a file - Google Drive: List your files
Shortcuts Utilities
SpotiStats by Ludovic Burnier
SpotiStats by Ludovic Burnier
With this application you'll be able to find out who your favourite artists have been for the last month, the last 6 months or since you've had Spotify. You'll be able to do the same with your favourite music! You can also easily edit your playlists with the Playlist Manager, and find out if there's
SpotiStats by Ludovic Burnier
Spotistats for Spotify by Sjoerd Bolten
Spotistats for Spotify by Sjoerd Bolten
Spotistats for Spotify provides insight into your most listened songs and artists, with a choice of different periods. You can also make a playlist with your top songs and keep them synchronized! Or send your friends a friend request to view each other's stats and recently played! You can also see
Spotistats for Spotify by Sjoerd Bolten