Music and Audio

Music and Audio

GitHub aojsamuraiWebcamhtml5recordvideoaudiogetUserMedia Webcam capture using getUserMedia the stream is recorded via js and saved using php in two files inside the folder video one file for video as webm and one file for audio as wav
GitHub aojsamuraiWebcamhtml5recordvideoaudiogetUserMedia Webcam capture using getUserMedia the stream is recorded via js and saved using php in two files inside the folder video one file for video as webm and one file for audio as wav
Webcam capture using getUserMedia the stream is recorded via js and saved using php in two files inside the folder video one file for video as webm and one file for audio as wav aojsamuraiWebcamhtml5recordvideoaudiogetUserMedia
GitHub aojsamuraiWebcamhtml5recordvideoaudiogetUserMedia Webcam capture using getUserMedia the stream is recorded via js and saved using php in two files inside the folder video one file for video as webm and one file for audio as wav
INTERSPEECH2023 Multi-band Time-frequency Attention Network for Singing Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music
Code to reproduce paper "Exploring Longitudinal Effects of Session-based Recommendations" in RecSys 2020
Extension of the music21 library for working with music chords encoded according to the Harte Notation.
GitHub andrebolacontrastivemirlearning This repo contains the code to reproduce the paper Enriched Music Representations with Multiple Crossmodal Contrastive Learning
GitHub andrebolacontrastivemirlearning This repo contains the code to reproduce the paper Enriched Music Representations with Multiple Crossmodal Contrastive Learning
This repo contains the code to reproduce the paper Enriched Music Representations with Multiple Crossmodal Contrastive Learning andrebolacontrastivemirlearning
GitHub andrebolacontrastivemirlearning This repo contains the code to reproduce the paper Enriched Music Representations with Multiple Crossmodal Contrastive Learning
A Python Script which scrapes out all the Songs URL from SongsPK and store it in a SQLite3 Database
CALM (Contrastive Alignment of Language and Music) aligns songs with their natural language description using CLIP (Project for the 1st Sound of AI Hackathon).
GitHub alisonbmaaiSFX Representation Learning for the Automatic Indexing of Sound Effects Libraries ISMIR 2022 Deep audio embeddings pretrained on UCS NonUCScompliant datasets
GitHub alisonbmaaiSFX Representation Learning for the Automatic Indexing of Sound Effects Libraries ISMIR 2022 Deep audio embeddings pretrained on UCS NonUCScompliant datasets
Representation Learning for the Automatic Indexing of Sound Effects Libraries ISMIR 2022 Deep audio embeddings pretrained on UCS NonUCScompliant datasets alisonbmaaiSFX
GitHub alisonbmaaiSFX Representation Learning for the Automatic Indexing of Sound Effects Libraries ISMIR 2022 Deep audio embeddings pretrained on UCS NonUCScompliant datasets
C++ code accompanying the book "An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis" (
GitHub alexanderlerchACASlides Slides and Code for An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis also taught at Georgia Tech as MUSI6201 This introductory course on Music Information Retrieval is based on the text book An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis Wiley 20122022
GitHub alexanderlerchACASlides Slides and Code for An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis also taught at Georgia Tech as MUSI6201 This introductory course on Music Information Retrieval is based on the text book An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis Wiley 20122022
Slides and Code for An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis also taught at Georgia Tech as MUSI6201 This introductory course on Music Information Retrieval is based on the text book An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis Wiley 20122022 alexanderlerchACASlides
GitHub alexanderlerchACASlides Slides and Code for An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis also taught at Georgia Tech as MUSI6201 This introductory course on Music Information Retrieval is based on the text book An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis Wiley 20122022
GitHub adbailey1DepAudioNet_reproduction Reproduction of DepAudioNet by Ma et al DepAudioNet An Efficient Deep Model for Audio based Depression Classificationhttpsdlacmorgdoi10114529882572988267 AVEC 2016
GitHub adbailey1DepAudioNet_reproduction Reproduction of DepAudioNet by Ma et al DepAudioNet An Efficient Deep Model for Audio based Depression Classificationhttpsdlacmorgdoi10114529882572988267 AVEC 2016
Reproduction of DepAudioNet by Ma et al DepAudioNet An Efficient Deep Model for Audio based Depression Classificationhttpsdlacmorgdoi10114529882572988267 AVEC 2016 adbailey1DepAudioNet_reproduction
GitHub adbailey1DepAudioNet_reproduction Reproduction of DepAudioNet by Ma et al DepAudioNet An Efficient Deep Model for Audio based Depression Classificationhttpsdlacmorgdoi10114529882572988267 AVEC 2016
Aroma of the Songs — Visualizing music in the form of intricate rose petals using moving cube traces.