Found 344 bookmarks
GitHub CtrlAltNicoISRCSongDataEnrichment This is a very simple unoficcial httpswwwsoundexchangecom and httpsisrcsearchifpiorgsearch API This is a showcase project please respect each websites terms of service and do not run this code without consent from website owners
GitHub CtrlAltNicoISRCSongDataEnrichment This is a very simple unoficcial httpswwwsoundexchangecom and httpsisrcsearchifpiorgsearch API This is a showcase project please respect each websites terms of service and do not run this code without consent from website owners
This is a very simple unoficcial httpswwwsoundexchangecom and httpsisrcsearchifpiorgsearch API This is a showcase project please respect each websites terms of service and do not run this code without consent from website owners GitHub CtrlAltNicoISRCSongDataEnrichment This is a very simple unoficcial httpswwwsoundexchangecom and httpsisrcsearchifpiorgsearch API This is a showcase project please respect each websites terms of service and do not run this code without consent from website owners
GitHub CtrlAltNicoISRCSongDataEnrichment This is a very simple unoficcial httpswwwsoundexchangecom and httpsisrcsearchifpiorgsearch API This is a showcase project please respect each websites terms of service and do not run this code without consent from website owners
Generative Music
Generative Music
Docs, patches, scripts, tools & utilities mainly related to VCV Rack, Wotjia and Monome Norns. Shield
Generative Music
musical_note A music streaming app built with React and Nodejs
Log your Top Weekly Artists and Tracks to your Day One journal
DJ Tools
DJ Tools
DJ tools for downloading, processing, and sharing music / rekordbox data.
DJ Tools
Auto Music Info Server
Auto Music Info Server
A Kotlin JVM project to make use of both rules and AI power to collect information about music from the Internet. See https// for the Flutter client.
Auto Music Info Server