GitHub Chirag047SongLyricsFinder You can find the lyrics of your fav song using Songs Lyrics FinderYou can find the lyrics of your fav song using Songs Lyrics Finder Chirag047SongLyricsFinder#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024GitHub Chirag047SongLyricsFinder You can find the lyrics of your fav song using Songs Lyrics Finder
GitHub azusaladaddlyrics Searches various websites and tags lyrics to local mp3 filesSearches various websites and tags lyrics to local mp3 files azusaladaddlyrics#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024GitHub azusaladaddlyrics Searches various websites and tags lyrics to local mp3 files
Lyrics2mp3Parse lyrics and add them into mp3 files (via id tags). Lyrics can then be viewed on iPhone, iTunes and other players.#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Lyrics2mp3
Lyrixylyrixy( lyrics + audio of the song ) = lyric music video#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Lyrixy
AutolyricizeAutomatically find and embed song lyrics.#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Autolyricize
Auto LyricsAuto-Lyrics AI-driven lyric alignment & correction using Faster-Whisper, Genius, and GPT-4 for an unparalleled singing experience.#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Auto Lyrics
LyricsyncAn lrc file generator/creator online, Simply visit the website or open index.html locally in order to sync your lyrics with your music#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Lyricsync
LyricizemeAn application that provides random song lyrics and annotations for a chosen artist, powered by the Genius API.#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Lyricizeme
LyricserAdding lyrics to songs using Genius API, editing lyrics, reading lyrics and more.#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Lyricser
OpenlyricsclientA lyrics synchronization tool for everyone#Music#Audio-Tools#song··Feb 13, 2024Openlyricsclient