GitHub RavelloHmusiclrcmatch Pythonlrc
Pythonlrc RavelloHmusiclrcmatch
GitHub aojsamuraiWebcamhtml5recordvideoaudiogetUserMedia Webcam capture using getUserMedia the stream is recorded via js and saved using php in two files inside the folder video one file for video as webm and one file for audio as wav
Webcam capture using getUserMedia the stream is recorded via js and saved using php in two files inside the folder video one file for video as webm and one file for audio as wav aojsamuraiWebcamhtml5recordvideoaudiogetUserMedia
GitHub evanoterodeepmusicgenreclassification Using Deep Learning to Categorize Music as Time Progresses Through Spectrogram Analysis
Using Deep Learning to Categorize Music as Time Progresses Through Spectrogram Analysis evanoterodeepmusicgenreclassification
GitHub susiexiaAI_Music Use a Convolutional Neural Network to predict a instrument and the note being played
Use a Convolutional Neural Network to predict a instrument and the note being played susiexiaAI_Music
GitHub jundspVAEBSS Unsupervised blind source separation of mixed images and sounds with variational autoencoders
Unsupervised blind source separation of mixed images and sounds with variational autoencoders jundspVAEBSS
GitHub theadamsabraLearningfromAudio Understand of the fundamentals of digital signal processing for Machine LearningDeep Learning applications
Understand of the fundamentals of digital signal processing for Machine LearningDeep Learning applications theadamsabraLearningfromAudio
GitHub matteosooMIR_HW2 Tools can detect the infos of tempo beat meter
Tools can detect the infos of tempo beat meter Contribute to matteosooMIR_HW2 development by creating an account on GitHub
GitHub sergreewhatbpm Todays Trending Values for EDM Production
Todays Trending Values for EDM Production Contribute to sergreewhatbpm development by creating an account on GitHub
GitHub mjhydriSingingVocalBeatTracking This repo contains the source code of the first deep learningbase singing voice beat tracking system It leverages WavLM and DistilHuBERT pretrained speech models to create vocal embeddings and trains linear multihead selfattention layers on top of them to extract vocal beat activations Then it uses HMM decoder to infer signing beats and tempo
This repo contains the source code of the first deep learningbase singing voice beat tracking system It leverages WavLM and DistilHuBERT pretrained speech models to create vocal embeddings and trains linear multihead selfattention layers on top of them to extract vocal beat activations Then it uses HMM decoder to infer signing beats and tempo GitHub mjhydriSingingVocalBeatTracking This repo contains the source code of the first deep learningbase singing voice beat tracking system It leverages WavLM and DistilHuBERT pretrained speech models to create vocal embeddings and trains linear multihead selfattention layers on top of them to extract vocal beat activations Then it uses HMM decoder to infer signing beats and tempo
GitHub andrebolacontrastivemirlearning This repo contains the code to reproduce the paper Enriched Music Representations with Multiple Crossmodal Contrastive Learning
This repo contains the code to reproduce the paper Enriched Music Representations with Multiple Crossmodal Contrastive Learning andrebolacontrastivemirlearning
GitHub bill317996Melodyextractionwithmelodicsegnet The source code of A Streamlined EncoderDecoder Architecture for Melody Extraction
The source code of A Streamlined EncoderDecoder Architecture for Melody Extraction bill317996Melodyextractionwithmelodicsegnet
GitHub aikewebaudiosynth Synthesizer application written in JavaScript using Web Audio API
Synthesizer application written in JavaScript using Web Audio API aikewebaudiosynth
GitHub BaibhavnagSERusingMLPandCNN Speech emotion recognition using MLP and CNN on four benchmark datasets RAVDESS SAVEE TESS and EmoDB
Speech emotion recognition using MLP and CNN on four benchmark datasets RAVDESS SAVEE TESS and EmoDB BaibhavnagSERusingMLPandCNN
Source code for "MusCaps Generating Captions for Music Audio" (IJCNN 2021)
GitHub yashrajkakkadsongpopularityprediction Song Popularity Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Song Popularity Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms yashrajkakkadsongpopularityprediction
GitHub tachihislidingHPSS sliding HPSS and two stage HPSS singing voice enhancement
sliding HPSS and two stage HPSS singing voice enhancement tachihislidingHPSS
GitHub alexanderlerchACASlides Slides and Code for An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis also taught at Georgia Tech as MUSI6201 This introductory course on Music Information Retrieval is based on the text book An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis Wiley 20122022
Slides and Code for An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis also taught at Georgia Tech as MUSI6201 This introductory course on Music Information Retrieval is based on the text book An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis Wiley 20122022 alexanderlerchACASlides
GitHub sevaghtranscribe simplistic pitchdetectionbased music transcriber
simplistic pitchdetectionbased music transcriber sevaghtranscribe
GitHub AgoraIOBasicAudioCall Sample app to joinleave a channel muteunmute and switch between the speakerheadset
Sample app to joinleave a channel muteunmute and switch between the speakerheadset AgoraIOBasicAudioCall
GitHub adbailey1DepAudioNet_reproduction Reproduction of DepAudioNet by Ma et al DepAudioNet An Efficient Deep Model for Audio based Depression Classificationhttpsdlacmorgdoi10114529882572988267 AVEC 2016
Reproduction of DepAudioNet by Ma et al DepAudioNet An Efficient Deep Model for Audio based Depression Classificationhttpsdlacmorgdoi10114529882572988267 AVEC 2016 adbailey1DepAudioNet_reproduction
GitHub ybayleISM2017 Reproducible research code for the experiments presented in our article Kara1k a karaoke dataset for cover song identification and singing voice analysis published at IEEE ISM 2017
Reproducible research code for the experiments presented in our article Kara1k a karaoke dataset for cover song identification and singing voice analysis published at IEEE ISM 2017 ybayleISM2017
GitHub alisonbmaaiSFX Representation Learning for the Automatic Indexing of Sound Effects Libraries ISMIR 2022 Deep audio embeddings pretrained on UCS NonUCScompliant datasets
Representation Learning for the Automatic Indexing of Sound Effects Libraries ISMIR 2022 Deep audio embeddings pretrained on UCS NonUCScompliant datasets alisonbmaaiSFX
GitHub maphouseanalyzetagsongs Python script for analyzing and tagging music files by key and BPM
Python script for analyzing and tagging music files by key and BPM maphouseanalyzetagsongs
GitHub andreamustbiablibrary Python library for opening and managing BandinaBox BIAB files
Python library for opening and managing BandinaBox BIAB files andreamustbiablibrary
GitHub tangkkpyace pyace A python implementation of automatic chord estimation ACE from audio
pyace A python implementation of automatic chord estimation ACE from audio tangkkpyace
GitHub tabahiMelSpectrumAnalyzer Online web based melspectrum power spectrum FFT analyzer for speech and music processing
Online web based melspectrum power spectrum FFT analyzer for speech and music processing tabahiMelSpectrumAnalyzer
GitHub SpijkervetCLMR Official PyTorch implementation of Contrastive Learning of Musical Representations
Official PyTorch implementation of Contrastive Learning of Musical Representations SpijkervetCLMR
GitHub amanteurCHAD Official Code of A SemiSupervised Deep Learning Approach to Dataset Collection for QuerybyHumming Task ISMIR 2023
Official Code of A SemiSupervised Deep Learning Approach to Dataset Collection for QuerybyHumming Task ISMIR 2023 amanteurCHAD
nowplaying-RS Music Recommendation using Factorization Machines