We provide free open source intelligence tools to help with investigations. Use the tools to search on 3rd party sites and perform social media intelligence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram and YouTube.
OSINT Essentials is an intro to free tools and services for verification of online content and information and other digital journalism work OSINT for journalists educators and everyone else
MOT (MyOSINT.Training) is your trusted source for OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) training. Our industry-leading trainers understand how to find data on the internet and explain it so everyone can follow along and get the most from these courses. We are your home for OSINT learning.
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OSINT tools. Do you want to effectively look for information on the internet and social media? Use our custom tools and scripts in your OSINT investigations. Read more!
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Threatpost, is an independent news site which is a leading source of information about IT and business security for hundreds of thousands of professionals worldwide.