Instagram OSINT tool to export and analyse followers | following with their details
Agora Pulse
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Facebook Friend List Scraper
OSINT tool to scrape names and usernames from large friend lists on Facebook, without being rate limited. - GitHub - n0kovo/fb_friend_list_scraper: OSINT tool to scrape names and usernames from lar...
Facebook Search
Learn more about how Facebook search works and managing your Facebook search settings.
Fanpage Karma
Analyse an unlimited number of profiles. Present results in your own design. Communicate and analyze in real-time. Plan, create and publish your posts. Discover top influencers and trends.
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Find my Facebook ID
Find your Faceook ID easily using this tool. You can even find ID for your facebook pages and groups. - Find My Facebook ID
Check if your telephone number is present within the Facebook data breach. HaveIBeenZuckered.com is a simple, secure and privacy-aware tool that does not store user-provided input.
Wolfram Alpha Facebook Report
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Draugiem (Latvia)
Draugiem.lv ir Latvijas pirmā un populārākā pašmāju sociālā tīkla vietne. Reģistrējies, veido draudzīgas saites un izmanto citas portāla sniegtās iespējas.
Qzone (China)
Taringa (Latin America)
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Weibo (China)
Academic Journals
African Journal Online
American Society of Civil Engineers
The blue social bookmark and publication sharing system.
The world’s largest collection of open access research papers
Grey Guide
Repository and Portal to Good Practices and Resources in Grey Literature
Grey Literature Strategies
Grey Literature – List of Gateways
Grey Literature, Preprints, E-prints, Technical Reports
GreyNet International
The Grey Literature Network Service, widely known as GreyNet, facilitates dialog, research, and communication between persons and organisations in the field of grey literature. GreyNet further seeks to identify and distribute information on and about grey literature in networked environments. Its main activities include the International Conference Series on Grey Literature, the creation and maintenance of web-based resources, the establishment of a moderated Listserv, GL Compendium, The Grey Journal, and Course curricula for LIS Colleges and Schools.
HighWire: Free Online Full-text Articles
Journal Guide
Journal Seek
Genamics JournalSeek is the largest completely categorized database of scholarly journal information available on the internet.
Lazy Scholar
Leibniz Information Centre For Science and Technology University Library
TIB, as the world's largest specialised library for science and technology and the University Library of Leibniz Universität Hannover, enables to work with unique collections. TIB offers access to a wide range of electronic resources.
NRC Research Press
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