GitHub is where over 100 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and fea...
I am Software Engineer with focus on new technologies, open source, security and testing.Specialized in Python,Java,Docker and security testing projects - jmortega
A compilation of links to datajournalism & OSINT tools, guides and resources I find useful to keep at hand. - GitHub - r3mlab/datajournalism-resources: A compilation of links to datajournal...
Home Bellingcat's Online Investigation Toolkit | last update: August 2023 Welcome to Bellingcat’s freely available online open source investigation toolkit. This toolkit includes satellite and mapping services, tools for verifying photos an...
Service Vérifié & Certifié! Open-source intelligence Partage Liste de tout les sites pour faire de l'OSINT-1 Auteur de la discussion zeze41 Date de début 11/2/21 Tags dox osint osint research 1 … 29 Suivant Aller à la nouvelle Suivre zeze41 Membre 11/2/21 Ajouter aux favoris ...
Data For Journalists: A Practical Guide for Computer-Assisted Reporting | Investigative Journalism Education Consortium Data For Journalists: A Practical Guide for Computer-Assisted Reporting – Investigative Journalism Education Consortium
Converting text documents like PDFs to spreadsheets is tedious and expensive work. To see how well AI tool ChatGPT can extract data from PDFs, data journalist Brandon Roberts wrote a Python script to convert two document sets to spreadsheets.
We provide free open source intelligence tools to help with investigations. Use the tools to search on 3rd party sites and perform social media intelligence on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram and YouTube.