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replacing a seagate st31000528as hard drive | Tom's Hardware Forum
What can I replace a seagate st31000528as hard drive with? Does it need to be the same? I have a HP p6774y Amd Phenom(tm) II x4840t processor 2.90 ghz, 6gb ram, 64 bit OS. the hard drive won't...
ST31000528AS - Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 1TB 7200RPM SATA 3Gb/s 32MB Cache 3.5-inch Hard Drive
Enhance your desktop hard drive with Seagate ST31000528AS. Offering up to 1 TB of capacity, this hard drive can be a game changer for you. With 3.5 inch size, SATAinterface, and speed of 7200 RPM, it is one of the best hard drives available in the market.
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