Pro Audio
Free instrument VST Plugins, VST3 Plugins, Audio Units Plugins (AU), AAX Plugins and Rack Extension Plugins for Windows and MacOS - Page 1 of 74
Free instrument VST Plugins, VST3 Plugins, Audio Units Plugins (AU), AAX Plugins and Rack Extension Plugins for Windows and MacOS. They are sorted by most popular with KVR members (Data from MyKVR "Favorites" Group). - Page 1 of 74
ADSR Sample Manager by ADSR - Find the perfect sound in an instant! for Mac/Windows - ADSR Sounds
The optimal starting point for every production session, ADSR Sample Manager makes organizing, finding and auditioning samples and loops refreshingly simple.ADSR Sample Manager makes your entire sample library searchable with smart and custom tags. Preview any sample in your local library or purchased on ADSR in the context of your track (BPM and/or key synced) using MIDI or drag audio directly to your project. Now features a browsable library of millions of loops & samples. Available for VST/AU/AAX and standalone (Ableton Link enabled).