My life dashboard - automatically track and visualize your data. Using common tracker APIs to create a minute by minute representation of your day. - GitHub - pleonova/data-diary: My life dashboard...
Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize, dashboard and share your data. - GitHub - getredash/redash: Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, e...
Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: - GitHub - laurent22/...
Collect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line. - GitHub - jrnl-org/jrnl: Collect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line.
A Smart Journaling App with NLP and Sentiment Analysis - GitHub - markwk/mindset_journaling_app: A Smart Journaling App with NLP and Sentiment Analysis
Offline-first note taking and knowledge management application for desktop and the web. Supports nested notebooks, tags, real-time sync, images and file attachments. Optimised for efficiency with k...
Web crawling made easy for Pythonistas. Just supply extractor and terminator functions to this higher-order function and let krawll do the rest. - GitHub - kish1/krawll: Web crawling made easy for ...