Notesnook | Open source & zero knowledge private note taking app
Express yourself with freedom, no spying, no tracking only private notes. Unlike Evernote and other note apps, your data is private not open for everyone to see.
tiddlyroam is a free open source alternative to Roam It is a notetaking app that works the way your brain does networked personal and infinitely customisable
Nota Bene Integrated software for writers
academics researchers and scholars Combines multilingual
word processing text searching and retrieval bibliographic management
and database management as a single program
Defter Notes iPad app for handwritten spatial notes
Take digital handwritten notes on your iPad with Apple Pencil Spread out your documents to think visually and spatially just like real papers on your desk
Neuron is a future-proof open-source app for managing your plain-text notes in Zettelkasten style, as well as for publishing them as a static site on the web. Read its Philosophy.
Go beyond Bookmarks with BrainTool, the online Topic Manager
BrainTool is a way of organizing things you want to remember and get back to, using notes and nested Topics. Its also a better way to control your browser.
Agenda is a date-focused note taking app for both planning and documenting your projects. With its unique timeline, Agenda gives you a complete picture of past, present and future.
The InfoRapid KnowledgeBase Builder is an excellent tool for Knowledge Management. You can save text documents and web pages with all formattings and links in your knowledge base and perform a full text search in it. Since every document is attached as a text note to a mindmap item, you can organize
Databyss is a free application for taking notes, managing citations, and linking them all together in one intuitive editor. With an interface that is familiar to anyone who has used a word processor, it allows users to build, navigate and search complex hypertextual relationships without leaving the document. Users can easily publish their notes as collections, which are disseminated to readers in the same, user-friendly interface for browsing, searching, and, soon, contributing.