The Neuropsychology of Amphetamine and Opiate Dependence Implications for Treatment Neuropsychology Review
Chronic use of amphetamines andor opiates has been associated with a wide range of cognitive deficits involving domains of attention inhibitory control
The ugly side of amphetamines short and longterm toxicity of 34methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA Ecstasy methamphetamine and damphetamine
Amphetamine Speed methamphetamine Ice and its congener 34methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA Ecstasy are illicit drugs abused worldwide for their euphoric and stimulant effects Despite compelling evidence for chronic MDMA neurotoxicity in animal models the physiological consequences of such toxicity in humans remain unclear In addition distinct differences in the metabolism and pharmacokinetics of MDMA between species and different strains of animals prevent the rationalisation of realistic human dose paradigms in animal studies Here we attempt to review amphetamine toxicity and in particular MDMA toxicity in the pathogenesis of exemplary human pathologies independently of confounding environmental factors such as polydrug use and drug purity
A randomized doubleblind trial of paroxetine andor dextroamphetamine and problemfocused therapy for attentiondeficithyperactivity disorder in adults PubMed
ADHD symptoms improved with dextroamphetamine Mood and internalizing symptoms were seen as improved with paroxetine by clinicians despite absence of response on the HAMA and HAMD The presence of a lifetime internalizing disorder attenuated the response to dextroamphetamine Patients who receive
Amphetamine increases errors during episodic memory retrieval PubMed
Moderate doses of stimulant drugs are known to enhance memory encoding and consolidation but their effects on memory retrieval have not been explored in depth In laboratory animals stimulants seem to improve retrieval of emotional memories but comparable studies have not been carried out in huma
Methamphetamine neurotoxicity necrotic and apoptotic mechanisms and relevance to human abuse and treatment PubMed
Research into methamphetamineinduced neurotoxicity has experienced a resurgence in recent years This is due to 1 greater understanding of the mechanisms underlying methamphetamine neurotoxicity 2 its usefulness as a model for Parkinsons disease and 3 an increased abuse of the substance es
Amphetamines represent a class of psychotropic compounds widely abused for their stimulant euphoric anorectic and in some cases emphathogenic entactogenic and hallucinogenic properties These compounds derive from the phenylethylamine core structure and are kinetically and dynamically char
Methamphetamine and the expanding complications of amphetamines PubMed
During the past 10 years the use of methamphetamine has increased rapidly in the West and throughout the United States Because of this increase our attention has focused on methamphetamines toxicity Methamphetamine and related compounds generate many of the same toxic effects as cocaine Becaus
Efficacy of modafinil compared to dextroamphetamine for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults PubMed
Our objective was to compare the efficacy of the new wakepromoting drug modafinil to that of dextroamphetamine for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD in adults Twentytwo adults who met DSMIV criteria for ADHD participated in a randomized doubleblind placebocontr
LongTerm Effects of Adderall XR in ADHD Pediatric Neurology Briefs
The longterm tolerability and effectiveness of extended release mixed amphetamine salts Adderall XR in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD were evaluated in a 24month multicenter openlabel extension of 2 placebocontrolled studies at UCLA Massachusetts General Hospital UCIrvine Maitland FL and Shire Pharmaceutical Wayne PA