The ugly side of amphetamines short and longterm toxicity of 34methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA Ecstasy methamphetamine and damphetamine
The ugly side of amphetamines short and longterm toxicity of 34methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA Ecstasy methamphetamine and damphetamine
Amphetamine Speed methamphetamine Ice and its congener 34methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA Ecstasy are illicit drugs abused worldwide for their euphoric and stimulant effects Despite compelling evidence for chronic MDMA neurotoxicity in animal models the physiological consequences of such toxicity in humans remain unclear In addition distinct differences in the metabolism and pharmacokinetics of MDMA between species and different strains of animals prevent the rationalisation of realistic human dose paradigms in animal studies Here we attempt to review amphetamine toxicity and in particular MDMA toxicity in the pathogenesis of exemplary human pathologies independently of confounding environmental factors such as polydrug use and drug purity
The ugly side of amphetamines short and longterm toxicity of 34methylenedioxymethamphetamine MDMA Ecstasy methamphetamine and damphetamine
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