Minko Gechev's blog
MishManners Links
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Mladen Macanovic
Personal page and a blog
moxey.eth | Rainbow
Check it out
Updates about my life and what I learn about creating software
Munif Tanjim
My External Storage - My External Storage
Nick Craver - Software Imagineering
Website home for various things created by Nick Craver
Nick Raienko
Kris Nova is a computer scientist, alpinist, author, public speaker and transgender advocate best known for her work on Linux and Kubernetes.
Nomic Foundation
Noumenal Dr. Carlton Gibson
The personal website of Ben Vanik
Official Rex Isaac Raphael
Rex Isaac Raphael a senior fullstack web mobile developer with over 9 years experience
Oleg Grenrus - @phadej
Personal website of Orhun Parmaksz
Paco Coursey
Crafting interfaces. Webarchitect at Linear. Building polished software and web experiences.
Panayiotis Lipiridis (Lipis) lipis.dev
Web dude at Wire
Parcel The zero configuration build tool for the web.
Parcel combines a great out-of-the-box development experience with a scalable architecture that can take your project from just getting started to massive production application.
ParityDeals Price Smarter Sell bigger
Optimize your product pricing across countries to maximize revenue
patak | patak
A VitePress site
Patrick Collins
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/PatrickAlphaC Smart Contracts, Blockchain, Defi, Fintech, Solidity, Python, Golang, Javascript... We do a lot of stuff here! Im a developer advocate on the Chainlink project, founder and CEO of my own blockchain infrastructure company, and lover of web3!