Nick Raienko
Paul Irish
Vasco Asturianos Blocks -
Articles | Eric Fritz
patak | patak
A VitePress site
Artin's Blog
Python / React / Nodejs
Jacob Bednarz Caffeine fueled rants on all things PHP Ruby and DevOps related
Jacob Bednarz Caffeine fueled rants on all things PHP Ruby and DevOps related
Dylan Sather
Dylan Sather Personal Website
dsnet - Overview
dsnet has 22 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
The Guild - Open Source
Open Source developers with experience of working with the largest companies and applications. GraphQL consulting, workshops and trainings.
Alex Rodionov Medium
Read writing from Alex Rodionov on Medium. Selenium/Watir Committer, Paradev @ Toptal. Every day, Alex Rodionov and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.
dodyg (@dodyg) / Twitter
Daniel Agar (
Schwarz IT KG
Wir die Schwarz IT sind innovativer Technologiepartner der Unternehmen der Schwarz Gruppe und stehen damit fur die digitale Transformation von Europas erfolgreichstem Handelsunternehmen
Personal website of Orhun Parmaksz
- Jeon Suyeol
I'm a software engineer in Seoul.
Xintao Wang
Romain Beaumont
Jackson Harper
Geoffs Braindump A spot on the internet where I post random articles notes and things I have figured out
A spot on the internet where I post random articles notes and things I have figured out
Ibrahim Serdar's Blog
I am somewhere in space & time. On top of it, I literally wonder where do I actually exist! So, here you are and wondering what is this all about? This is my personal blog that I would like to share
Brenton Wiernik
Assistant Professor of IO Psychology