Tianon's Ramblings

Psychoinformatics Psychoinformatics
Julien Chaumond (@julien_c) / Twitter
Michael Osthege
Timeline of Projects / CV
Dr. Thomas Rausch
Minko Gechev's blog
Alon Zakai (@kripken) / Twitter
Lewis Tunstalls Blog
Posts on machine learning, physics, and topology at irregularly spaced intervals.
Andre Staltz
Open Source Freelancer
Notes from someone pretending!
Keep Software Engineering Soft | Kevin Wang's Blog
Kevin Wang's blog on anything from cloud architecture, to serverless tech, to Kettle Chips. Maybe some random musings here and there.
Jesse Szwedko Jesse Szwedko
Blogging about Golang, continuous deployment, and whatever else I happen to be working on.
Security Automation (SOAR) for Everyone
Cortex XSOAR is the industry's most comprehensive security orchestration automation and response (SOAR) platform. Explore Cortex XSOAR.
Vojtech Miksu
Logan McAnsh
personal website for logan mcansh
.NET Development Addict
Just a quick post on how to watch out for some small gotchas when using Task, async and await. No big revelations, just understand what you mean when you run a Task.
debianservertoolsCVmd at master szepeviktordebianservertools GitHub
Tools and living docs for Debianbased servers and Web Applications debianservertoolsCVmd at master szepeviktordebianservertools
Lovell Fuller
Internet Technologist - London, UK
mbonnin's blog | rabbits, computer science and the meaning of life
Public Object
Jesse Wilson on programming
Leigh McCulloch
Software Engineer / Go / Ruby
The homepage of Lucas Serven Marin, @squat on GitHub.
Ivanov Maksim
Ivanov Maksim - splincode
Hello. {% for post in site.posts %} {% unless post.next %} {{ post.date | date: '%Y' }} {% else %} {% capture year %}{{ post.date | date: '%Y' }}{% endcapture %} ...
Krasimir Tsonev - developer with over 15 years of experience
Krasimir Tsonev - developer with over 10 years of experience
A disjointed blog about security, engineering, open source, and linux
sorrycc's website
sobolevn's personal blog
On good software, mediocre software, and bad software. Also rants about management and development processes.
Lecoqio Simon Lecoqs online portfolio
Portfolio of a weird developer Discover some of my works projects and games or consult my resume to know more about me