Daisuke Maki Medium
Daisuke Maki Medium
Read writing from Daisuke Maki on Medium. Go/perl hacker; author of peco; works @ Mercari; ex-mastermind of builderscon; Proud father of three boys;. Every day, Daisuke Maki and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.
Daisuke Maki Medium
Patrick Collins
Patrick Collins
Linktree: Smart Contracts, Blockchain, Defi, Fintech, Solidity, Python, Golang, Javascript... We do a lot of stuff here! Im a developer advocate on the Chainlink project, founder and CEO of my own blockchain infrastructure company, and lover of web3!
Patrick Collins
Ibrahim Serdar's Blog
Ibrahim Serdar's Blog
I am somewhere in space & time. On top of it, I literally wonder where do I actually exist! So, here you are and wondering what is this all about? This is my personal blog that I would like to share
Ibrahim Serdar's Blog
Emil Hvitfeldt
Emil Hvitfeldt
Im a Software Engineer at RStudio PBC, teaching adjunct professor at American University, and co-author of [Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R]( with [Julia Silge]( My interests include developing tools for natural language processing, machine learning using tidymodels, education, and the use of colors in data visualizations.
Emil Hvitfeldt