
lidel Marcin Rataj
How I learned to stop worrying and love converting oxygen into carbon dioxide
Tikam Singh Alma DEV Community Profile
Design | Debug | Develop
Victor Eke - Frontend developer
Victor Eke is a Frontend Developer based in Port Harcourt, Nigeria who is passionate about building web solutions and products around open source communities.
Steve Macenski
Liam DeBeasi | Software Engineer
Liam DeBeasi is a software engineer working at Ionic
Gal Schlezinger
thoughts and codes
Draconian Overlord
Oppressing Software Entropy
Samy Pesse (@SamyPesse) / Twitter
Lewis Tunstalls Blog
Posts on machine learning, physics, and topology at irregularly spaced intervals.
RobLoach - Overview
RobLoach has 776 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Rich Harris (@Rich_Harris) / Twitter
Daisuke Maki Medium
Read writing from Daisuke Maki on Medium. Go/perl hacker; author of peco; works @ Mercari; ex-mastermind of builderscon; Proud father of three boys;. Every day, Daisuke Maki and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.
Ralim TEk
Electronics & Embedded Engineering
Welcome to nginx!
Shanes Blog
A place to remind myself of how I once solved something that I will forget about at a later date.
Leigh McCulloch
Software Engineer / Go / Ruby
Patrick Collins
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/PatrickAlphaC Smart Contracts, Blockchain, Defi, Fintech, Solidity, Python, Golang, Javascript... We do a lot of stuff here! Im a developer advocate on the Chainlink project, founder and CEO of my own blockchain infrastructure company, and lover of web3!
Xintao Wang
These are the wrong sort of bees
The wrong sort of bees
Jacob Bednarz Caffeine fueled rants on all things PHP Ruby and DevOps related
Jacob Bednarz Caffeine fueled rants on all things PHP Ruby and DevOps related
Jackson Harper
Romain Beaumont
Geoffs Braindump A spot on the internet where I post random articles notes and things I have figured out
A spot on the internet where I post random articles notes and things I have figured out
Ibrahim Serdar's Blog
I am somewhere in space & time. On top of it, I literally wonder where do I actually exist! So, here you are and wondering what is this all about? This is my personal blog that I would like to share
Web site created using create-react-app
Emil Hvitfeldt
Im a Software Engineer at RStudio PBC, teaching adjunct professor at American University, and co-author of [Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R](https://smltar.com/) with [Julia Silge](https://juliasilge.com/). My interests include developing tools for natural language processing, machine learning using tidymodels, education, and the use of colors in data visualizations.