Reading List / Espresso
Platform for deploying static sites and frontend applications easily. Automatic SSL, deploy previews, reverse proxy, and more. - getmeli/meli: Platform for deploying static sites and frontend appli...
Siteleaf - A friendly CMS for your static site
Built for developers, Loved by everyone. Supports Jekyll, user collaboration, publishing to AWS S3, GitHub Pages, FTP, and more.
Calliope Static Site Generator
Calliope Static Site Generator
Jekyll Simple, blog-aware, static sites
Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
Grav - A Modern Flat-File CMS | Grav CMS
Grav is a Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS.
:globe_with_meridians: Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby - GitHub - jekyll/jekyll: Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby