Software and technology stacks used by top companies
All the best Open Source & Software as a Service (SaaS) tools in one place, ranked by developers and companies using them. Compare and browse tech stacks from thousands of companies and software developers from around the world.
Searching & Exploring Your iMessage Database with SQL Queries
If you use iMessage, you can access and query the database where all of the messages are stored. All you need is a Mac and some basic SQL skills to begin!
A year and a half ago, I heeded the growing warning signs that indicated the looming demise of macOS, nee OS X, as a platform for developer and true computer enthusiasts, and set about trying to fi
Bringing a whole set of new capabilities to Shortcuts. Easily read, write or append a Google Sheet. Duplicate a Google Drive file. Action list: - Google Sheets: Read, write or append - Google Drive: Duplicate a file - Google Drive: URL of a file - Google Drive: List your files
With this application you'll be able to find out who your favourite artists have been for the last month, the last 6 months or since you've had Spotify. You'll be able to do the same with your favourite music! You can also easily edit your playlists with the Playlist Manager, and find out if there's
Spotistats for Spotify provides insight into your most listened songs and artists, with a choice of different periods. You can also make a playlist with your top songs and keep them synchronized! Or send your friends a friend request to view each other's stats and recently played! You can also see
Medium is an open platform where over 100 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. Read. Easily find and follow writers and publications that matter to you, and keep
"Simply remarkable, [] youre nuts if you dont try Apollo." - John Gruber, Daring Fireball "The best Reddit app for iOS" - The Sweet Setup "Apollo is the best Reddit client I have ever used. Period." - iMore "Apollo makes the wild world of Reddit more accessible than ever before, and it may just b