
Font Generator Free Copy and Paste Text
Font Generator Free Copy and Paste Text
Free font generator to copy and paste cool text to Instagram and Facebook Turn any text into a fancy font to post to any of your social media profiles
Font Generator Free Copy and Paste Text
TextTransformer parser generator IDE TextTransformer conversion of text files
TextTransformer parser generator IDE TextTransformer conversion of text files
Analyse transform and convert text program source code and text documents automatically with TextTransformer TextTransformer performs language conversion data extraction code instrumentation linguistic analysis and other tasks with its powerful lexer and parser and simple to use interface
TextTransformer parser generator IDE TextTransformer conversion of text files
Alternate Tools Alternate Textbrowser
Alternate Tools Alternate Textbrowser
This program makes it easy to browse through textfiles and also allows you to edit them HTML and XMLfiles too A syntax highlighting for several programming languagesfiletypes is available and may be configured for different fileextensio
Alternate Tools Alternate Textbrowser
The TextConverter can be used to edit multiple text files at once Replacements in HTML docs CSV and XML editing encoding regular expressions transcriptions defined actions or deleting are only a small part of the possibilities
TextAnalysisToolNET A program designed to excel at viewing searching and navigating large files quickly and efficiently
List characters tool
List characters tool
Tool to analyse what characters are in some text and list them by block
List characters tool
Analyse string tool
Analyse string tool
Tool to analyse what characters are in a string and list information about them
Analyse string tool
r12a apps
r12a apps
Small web apps written in html and javascript
r12a apps