homage to Mr Robot & Watch Dogs
Web Animation
Futuristic Resolving/Typing Text Effect feat. GLaDOS
Animations for the strong of heart, and weak of mind.
All Animation CSS3
All Animation.css is a set of nice and crazy css animations made with the purpose to bring life and interactions to your project.
Micron.JS - a [] microInteraction Library
a [] microInteraction library built with CSS Animations and controlled by JavaScript Power
Magic CSS animations
Magic CSS are a set of simple animations to include in your web or app project's
Some CSS classes to move your DOM! Easy-to-use classes that will add different kind of shake to each part of your site.
Animate | Keyframes.app
Keyframes helps you write better CSS with a suite of tools to create CSS @Keyframe animations, box shadows, colors, & more
Bounce.js is a tool and JS library that lets you create beautiful CSS3 powered animations.
Give it a spin.
A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects
A tool for making CSS3 animations
Ceaser - CSS Easing Animation Tool - Matthew Lein
Ceaser is an interactive CSS easing animation tool. It lets you build any kind of ease you want, and comes with many of the Penner Easing Equations.
Mantra Animation
Awesome web-animation
Awesome web-animation
SVG Artista - SVG Drawing Animation Generator
SVG Artista is a free tool that helps you easily create amazing SVG drawing animations by animating stroke and fill properties of your SVG graphics.
Animista - CSS Animations on Demand
Animista is a CSS animation library and a place where you can play with a collection of ready-made CSS animations and download only those you will use.