

42% Fewer Irregular Border Crossing Attempts at EU’s External Borders in First 9 Months of 2024
42% Fewer Irregular Border Crossing Attempts at EU’s External Borders in First 9 Months of 2024
A 42 per cent decrease has been recorded in irregular border crossings into the European Union in the first nine months of 2024, compared to the same period last year, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) has revealed. From January to September 2024, 166,000 irregular border crossing attempts were registered in the EU’s […]
42% Fewer Irregular Border Crossing Attempts at EU’s External Borders in First 9 Months of 2024
Fabrice Leggeri, numéro trois du RN aux européennes, visé par une plainte pour complicité de crime contre l’humanité
Fabrice Leggeri, numéro trois du RN aux européennes, visé par une plainte pour complicité de crime contre l’humanité
Deux associations reprochent au directeur de Frontex de 2015 à 2022 d’avoir participé au refoulement d’embarcations de migrants par les autorités grecques vers la Turquie ainsi qu’à des interceptions par les garde-côtes libyens d’embarcations de migrants.
Fabrice Leggeri, numéro trois du RN aux européennes, visé par une plainte pour complicité de crime contre l’humanité
Mediapart (@mediapart@mediapart.social)
Mediapart (@mediapart@mediapart.social)
Attached: 1 image L’ancien patron de Frontex rejoint le Rassemblement national pour les européennes Fragilisé par plusieurs enquêtes, Fabrice Leggeri, haut fonctionnaire du ministère de l’intérieur français, avait dû quitter la tête de l’agence en avril 2022. › https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/international/180224/l-ancien-patron-de-frontex-rejoint-le-rassemblement-national-pour-les-europeennes
Mediapart (@mediapart@mediapart.social)
Record numbers of refugees arrive in Canary Islands by boat
Record numbers of refugees arrive in Canary Islands by boat
Number of arrivals via world’s deadliest migration route approach 32,000 to break 17-year record
Nearly 32,000 men, women and children have reached the Canary Islands by boat so far this year on the world’s deadliest migration route, breaking a 17-year-old record for arrivals in the Spanish archipelago.
The latest arrivals bring the total number who have reached the archipelago since the beginning of the year to 31,933. During the small boat crisis in 2006, 31,678 people made it to the Canaries.
According to data from Spain’s interior ministry, 14,976 people arrived in the Canaries in October alone, increasing the huge strain on the islands’ infrastructure.
“Figures shouldn’t trump everything else, but in this case they define the humanitarian emergency in the Canaries,” he wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “The 2006 figures have been exceeded but the response from the state and from the EU isn’t the same. Managing migration on the southern border should be a priority in both the Spanish and European agendas.”
This year’s arrival figures are already more than twice as high as last year’s. According to the International Organization for Migration, between January and December 2022, 15,682 people reached the Canary Islands by boat from west Africa, a decrease of 30%, or 6,634 people, compared with the previous year.
Record numbers of refugees arrive in Canary Islands by boat
Migrants say video emerged is common in Libya camps
Migrants say video emerged is common in Libya camps
The woman in the video, whose identity is still unknown, is believed to be from Somalia and may have died from tuberculosis - a disease dozens of asylum seekers detained have been infected with at the Abu Salim detention centre.
Migrants say video emerged is common in Libya camps