In the Art of Protest, famous artists are commenting on politics and raising awareness on issues like authoritarian regimes, sustainability, climate change, diversity and immigration.
À bord des géants des mers - Claire Flécher - Éditions La Découverte
: Alors que plus de 90 % du volume de marchandises produites dans le monde transitent chaque année par la mer, le transport maritime demeure un univers largement méconnu. Comment s'organisent ces flux de marchandises ? Que se passe-t-il sur ces géants de la mondialisation que sont les navires de commerce ? Qui y travaille, comment, et à quel prix ?
Airports are places with multi-layered identities that millions of people pass through and where cultures meet: On the one hand, the history and the design heritage of the particular country can be identified and local characteristics are intensified and reinforced almost stereotypically. On the other hand, airports re
Fast Company, the world’s leading business media brand, offers a comprehensive and vibrant look at the way design has permeated all areas of life and work. Design has become a critical part of doing business in today’s economy. Some of the most innovative companies in tech―Apple, Airbnb, Google, Tesla, and many more―ha
This book is a tool kit to create new forms. It deals with grid-based design and gives the reader techniques to develop new forms, fonts, logos, and patterns. The concept represents a design process in which individual decisions follow much larger and deeper principles than immediate and spontaneous-intuitive actions.
Not at Your Service: Manifestos for Design brings together the broad spectrum of beliefs, subjects and practices of designers at Zurich University of the Arts. It offers different approaches and insights on the present-day role and impact of design. It is not conceived as a finished project, but as a fluid document of
Alexandre Lauret - La guerre et l'exilYémen, 2015-2020À paraître en mai aux Belles Lettres— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) April 5, 2023
Michel Goya et Jean Lopez - L'ours et le renardHistoire immédiate de la guerre en UkraineÀ paraître en mai chez Perrin— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) April 2, 2023
Sporting two front covers (i.e. one on the back, one on the front) for its two thematic sections – Graphic Design in Conservative Times and Fashion Design in Conservative Times – this pocket-sized volume deconstructs and analyzes various forms of design against the backdrop of an increasingly conservative world.From th
The Eye: How the World's Most Influential Creative Directors Develop their concepts
They’re often behind the scenes, letting their work take center stage. But now Nathan Williams, founder and creative director of Kinfolk magazine and author of The Kinfolk Table, The Kinfolk Home, and The Kinfolk Entrepreneur – with over 250,000 copies in print combined – brings more than 90 of the most iconic and infl
スコットランドのグラフィックデザインイベント「INTL」の2022年ポスター展入選作品を収録した作品集『International Poster Book 2022』。130人のデザイナーによる164枚のポスター、インタビュー、審査員のコメントなどが掲載されています。— North East (@north_east_co) March 31, 2023
Au menu du week-end, une plongée dans les méandres du spinozisme althussérien signée Jean Matthys.— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) March 31, 2023
Flexible Visual Systems sums up 10 years of research at the University of Barcelona, 20 years of developing systems at TwoPoints.Net and 18 years of teaching systems at over 10 design universities throughout Europe on 320 pages. Flexible Visual Systems is the design manual for contemporary visual identities. It teaches
Édouard Jourdain - Géopolitique de l’anarchismeVers un nouveau moment libertaireÀ paraître en avril au Cavalier Bleu— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) March 29, 2023
‘Principles of Logo Design’ is a great book for anyone who’s interested in creating signs, symbols and icons!— Counter-Print (@Counterprint) March 29, 2023
A bit of light reading arrived in the mail today…available May 3. Thanks to @KoriSchake @LawDavF @wrmead @MatthewKroenig @CharlesEdel @DrRadchenko @PriyaSatia @LizEconomy @RidT and many other contributors— Hal Brands (@HalBrands) March 28, 2023
⬛️ ‘Bruno Munari: Square Circle Triangle’ is an absolute classic. These studies were originally published in 1976 in the series Quaderni di design, curated by Bruno Munari. ⚫️— Counter-Print (@Counterprint) March 26, 2023
Traduction française de Marie Favereau - La Horde - Comment les Mongols ont changé le monde à paraître en février chez Perrin— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) October 3, 2022
Mary Fulbrook - Bystander SocietyConformity and Complicity in Nazi Germany and the HolocaustÀ paraître en novembre aux Oxford UP— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) March 25, 2023
Martin Thomas et Gareth Curless (eds.) - he Oxford Handbook of Late Colonial Insurgencies and Counter-InsurgenciesÀ paraître en août aux Oxford UP— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) March 25, 2023
'Principles of Logo Design' is a must-have book for anyone looking to create a memorable brand identity.— Counter-Print (@Counterprint) March 24, 2023
Jean Matthys - Althusser lecteur de SpinozaGenèse et enjeux d'une éthico-politique de la théorieVient de paraître chez Mimesis— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) March 23, 2023
Atlas militaire et stratégique de - Editions Autrement
Atlas militaire et stratégique : présentation du livre de publié aux Editions Autrement. Avec la guerre en Ukraine et les déclarations menaçantes de Vladimir Poutine, la menace nucléaire se retrouve au cœur des enjeux internationaux. France, États-Unis, Russie, Chine… Les grandes puissances redéfinissent sans cesse leurs stratégies pour défendre leurs intérêts. Comment organisent-elles leurs forc
Atlas des risques et des crises de - Editions Autrement
Atlas des risques et des crises : présentation du livre de publié aux Editions Autrement. Les risques et les crises s’amplifient, notamment avec le réchauffement climatique. Incendies, inondations, tempêtes, séismes… face à ces aléas naturels, territoires et populations sont de plus en plus vulnérables. Comment faire face à ces phénomènes et se protéger ? Comment gérer les catastrophes et les ant
John J. Mearsheimer et Sebastian Rosato - How States ThinkThe Rationality of Foreign PolicyÀ paraître en septembre aux Yale UP— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) March 23, 2023
Jeff Deutsch’s ‘In Praise of Good Bookstores’ celebrates the magic of brick-and-mortar bookshops and their vital role in our communities. This book is a must-read for anyone who shares a love of books and the special places that bring them into our lives:— Counter-Print (@Counterprint) March 21, 2023