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Linkography: Unfolding the Design Process (Design Thinking, Design Theory)
Linkography: Unfolding the Design Process (Design Thinking, Design Theory)
Linkography: Unfolding the Design Process (Design Thinking, Design Theory) [Goldschmidt, Gabriela] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Linkography: Unfolding the Design Process (Design Thinking, Design Theory)
Linkography: Unfolding the Design Process (Design Thinking, Design Theory)
Deux livres pour mieux appréhender la manière dont la Chine se confronte au reste du monde
Deux livres pour mieux appréhender la manière dont la Chine se confronte au reste du monde
Le sinologue Jean-Pierre Cabestan, dans « Demain la Chine : guerre ou paix ? », et le journaliste Pierre-Antoine Donnet, avec « Chine, le grand prédateur », analysent les risques et les enjeux stratégiques d’un face-à-face tendu entre Pékin et l’Occident.
Deux livres pour mieux appréhender la manière dont la Chine se confronte au reste du monde
Les Pirates des Lumières ou la véritable histoire de Libertalia (David Graeber) // Les éditions Libertalia
Les Pirates des Lumières ou la véritable histoire de Libertalia (David Graeber) // Les éditions Libertalia
Flibustiers, femmes marchandes et simulacres de royaumes à Madagascar au XVIIIe siècle. « Je vais raconter une histoire de magie et de mensonges, de batailles navales et de princesses enlevées, de révoltes d'esclaves et de chasses à l'homme, de royaumes de pacotille et d'ambassadeurs imposteurs, d'espions et de voleurs de joyaux, d'empoisonneurs et de sectateurs du diable et d'obsession sexuelle, toutes choses qui participent des origines de la liberté (...)
Les Pirates des Lumières ou la véritable histoire de Libertalia (David Graeber) // Les éditions Libertalia
Practical Ethnography: A Guide to Doing Ethnography in the Private Sector: Sam Ladner: 9781611323900: Books
Practical Ethnography: A Guide to Doing Ethnography in the Private Sector: Sam Ladner: 9781611323900: Books
Practical Ethnography: A Guide to Doing Ethnography in the Private Sector [Sam Ladner] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Ethnography is an increasingly important research method in the private sector, yet ethnographic literature continues to focus on an academic audience. Sam Ladner fills the gap by advancing rigorous ethnographic practice that is tailored to corporate settings where colleagues are not steeped in social theory
Practical Ethnography: A Guide to Doing Ethnography in the Private Sector: Sam Ladner: 9781611323900: Books
Unmaking the West: What-If? Scenarios That Rewrite World History: Philip Tetlock, Richard Ned Lebow, Noel Geoffrey Parker: 9780472031436: Books
Unmaking the West: What-If? Scenarios That Rewrite World History: Philip Tetlock, Richard Ned Lebow, Noel Geoffrey Parker: 9780472031436: Books
Unmaking the West: What-If? Scenarios That Rewrite World History [Philip Tetlock, Richard Ned Lebow, Noel Geoffrey Parker] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. What if the Persians had won at Salamis? What if Christ had not been crucified? What if the Chinese had harnessed steam power before the West? Disparaged by some as a mere parlor game
Unmaking the West: What-If? Scenarios That Rewrite World History: Philip Tetlock, Richard Ned Lebow, Noel Geoffrey Parker: 9780472031436: Books
Book Review: Ethnographic Thinking, from Method to Mindset - EPIC
Book Review: Ethnographic Thinking, from Method to Mindset - EPIC
There's no recipe for Ethnographic Thinking, but this guide is an essential foundation for a holistic approach to innovation grounded in cultural insight—reviewed by David Rubeli.
Book Review: Ethnographic Thinking, from Method to Mindset - EPIC
Speculative Research: The Lure of Possible Futures (Hardback) - Routledge
Speculative Research: The Lure of Possible Futures (Hardback) - Routledge
Is another future possible? So called ‘late modernity’ is marked by the escalating rise in and proliferation of uncertainties and unforeseen events brought about by the interplay between and patterning of social–natural,…
Speculative Research: The Lure of Possible Futures (Hardback) - Routledge
Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements (Hardback) - Routledge
Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements (Hardback) - Routledge
Consider the vast array of things around you, from the building you are in, the lights illuminating the interior, the computational devices mediating your life, the music in the background, even the crockery, furniture and glassware you are in the…
Studio Studies: Operations, Topologies & Displacements (Hardback) - Routledge
Showing Earth from above to inspire the Overview Effect, highlight human impact, and change the way you see our planet.
The Emotional Culture Deck is an insanely human tool that helps develop better leadership, culture and employee experiences to transform engagement
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An Incredible Anthology
An Incredible Anthology
A guide to developing awesome and sustainable company cultures from the people who’ve built them
An Incredible Anthology
Doorbells, Danger, and Dead Batteries - Rosenfeld Media
Doorbells, Danger, and Dead Batteries - Rosenfeld Media
User research war stories are personal accounts of the challenges researchers encounter out in the field, where mishaps are inevitable, yet incredibly instructive. Doorbells, Danger, and Dead Batterie...
Doorbells, Danger, and Dead Batteries - Rosenfeld Media
The Design Politics of the Passport
The Design Politics of the Passport
The Design Politics of the Passport presents an innovative study of the passport and its associated social, political and material practices as a means of uncovering the workings of 'design politics'.…
The Design Politics of the Passport
What readers and thinkers are already saying...
What readers and thinkers are already saying...
‘In the moments between watching and re-watching the Olympic Opening Ceremony in the past 48 hours, I’ve been reading No Straight Lines: Making Sense of Our Non-Linear World by Alan Moore. Alan presen…
What readers and thinkers are already saying...