Frédéric Rognon (ed.) - Génération Ellul, volume 2 - Jacques Ellul aujourd'hui à paraître en novembre chez Labor et Fides— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) September 23, 2022
Le rejet de l'Occident : réflexions sur l'ésotérisme, le complotisme et le refus de la société libérale - Stéphane François - Librairie Mollat Bordeaux
Une réflexion sur le complotisme, sa pensée irrationnelle et ses relations avec l'ésotérisme. L'auteur explore la méthodologie scientifique et les diverses expressions employées par ces discours alternatifs, le parcours de René Guénon, la place de la franc-maçonnerie et celle de l'ufologie. Les l...
Leon Wansleben - The Rise of Central Banks - State Power in Financial Capitalism à paraître en janvier aux Harvard UP— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) September 22, 2022
Fredrik Albritton Jonsson et Carl Wennerlind - Scarcity - A History from the Origins of Capitalism to the Climate Crisis à paraître en avril aux Harvard UP— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) September 22, 2022
Sophie Gosselin et David gé Bartoli - La Condition terrestre - Habiter la Terre en communs à paraître en octobre au Seuil— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) September 19, 2022
Kako Nubukpo - Une solution pour l'Afrique - Du néoprotectionnisme aux biens communs à paraître en octobre chez Odile Jacob— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) September 18, 2022
Nouvelle édition de René Schwok - Politique extérieure de la Suisse après la guerre froide vient de paraître chez Savoir suisse— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) September 19, 2022
C’est aujourd’hui qu’il paraît en édition de poche : le même contenu, pour la moitié du prix. Merci à toutes les équipes des @EditionsFayard, et à @isabellesaporta en particulier !— François Gemenne (@Gemenne) March 9, 2022
Dans notre métier, c'est pas tous les jours qu'on tient le fruit de son labeur dans ses mains !— Kevin Limonier (@kevinlimonier) September 14, 2022
Aujourd'hui paraît ce livre important, dirigé par @FXFauvelle et Anne Lafont, et ancré dans l'histoire de l'Afrique telle quelle s'écrit aujourd'hui— Florent Piton (@fpiton) September 8, 2022
En librairie le 22 septembre, sous la direction d'@anne_besson, William Blanc (@HMedievale) et @VincentMFerre : Dictionnaire du Moyen Âge imaginaire. Le médiévalisme, hier et aujourd'hui— Vendémiaire Editions (@Ed_Vendemiaire) September 7, 2022
[lecture] Renverser nos intelligences : pour une écologie des technologies - à propos de Ways of Being de @jamesbridle— hubert guillaud (@hubertguillaud) September 6, 2022
Christian Grataloup - Atlas historique de la Terre à paraître en octobre aux Arènes— Florian Louis (@flr_louis) September 4, 2022
Demain sort un livre important de l’un des plus précieux collaborateurs de la revue.@flr_louis inaugure la nouvelle collection «géopolitiques» dirigée par @FredericEncel aux @editions_PUF avec un court traité qui est une somme d’intelligence et de synthèse.Très conseillé.— Gilles Gressani (@GillesGressani) August 30, 2022
[Tic-Tac] #Atlas des #migrations dans le #monde, 4e édition. @Migreurop Sortie le 14 septembre 2022.— Françoise Bahoken (@fbahoken) August 28, 2022
Pyramids of Sacrifice: Political Ethics and Social Change: Peter L. Berger: 9780385071017: Books
Pyramids of Sacrifice: Political Ethics and Social Change [Peter L. Berger] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Pyramids of Sacrifice: Political Ethics and Social Change
The Politics of Climate Change Knowledge: Labelling Climate Change-induced Uprooted People
This book addresses political knowledge of climate change and its relation to labelling people affected by climate change, either as ‘climate refugees’ or as ‘climate change-induced displaced people or migrants’.
By questioning the knowledge of climate change and subsequent labelling of people, this book will spark debate in studies of global climate politics and transnational policy networks. Rather than considering the issue of climate change as a given phenomenon, the author explores
POLITIQUE DE L'INDIVIDU-CITOYEN - Contre la pénétration des théories fascistes (1922-2022), Sylvie Coirault-Neuburger - livre, ebook, epub
Commandez le livre POLITIQUE DE L'INDIVIDU-CITOYEN - Contre la pénétration des théories fascistes (1922-2022), Sylvie Coirault-Neuburger - Ouvrage disponible en version papier et/ou numérique (ebook)
Global Burning: Rising Antidemocracy and the Climate Crisis | Eve Darian-Smith
bHow extreme-right antidemocratic governments around the world are prioritizing profits over citizens, stoking catastrophic wildfires, and accelerating global climate change./b
Recent years have seen out-of-control wildfires rage across remote Brazilian rainforests, densely populated California coastlines, and major cities in Australia. What connects these separate events is more than immediate devastation and human loss of life. In Global Burning, Eve Darian-Smith contends that using fire as a symbolic and literal thread connecting different places around the world allows us to better understand the parallel, and related, trends of the growth of authoritarian politics and climate crises and their interconnected global consequences.
Darian-Smith looks deeply into each of these three cases of catastrophic wildfires and finds key similarities in all of them. As political leaders and big business work together in the pursuit of profits and power, anti-environmentalism has become an essential political tool enabling the rise of extreme right governments and energizing their populist supporters. These are the governments that deny climate science, reject environmental protection laws, and foster exclusionary worldviews that exacerbate climate injustice.
The fires in Australia, Brazil and the United States demand acknowledgment of the global systems of inequality that undergird them, connecting the political erosion of liberal democracy with the corrosion of the environment. Darian-Smith argues that these wildfires are closely linked through capitalism, colonialism, industrialization, and resource extraction. In thinking through wildfires as environmental and political phenomenon, Global Burning challenges readers to confront the interlocking powers that are ensuring our future ecological collapse.
How design can transcend the logics, structures, and subjectivities of capitalism: a framework, theoretical grounding, and practical principles.The designed things, experiences, and symbols that we use to perceive, understand, and perform our everyday lives are much more than just props. They directly shape how we live. In Design after Capitalism, Matthew Wizinsky argues that the world of industrial capitalism that gave birth to modern design has been dramatically transformed. Design today needs to reorient itself toward deliberate transitions of everyday politics, social relations, and economies. Looking at design through the lens of political economy, Wizinsky calls for the field to transcend the logics, structures, and subjectivities of capitalism—to combine design entrepreneurship with social empowerment in order to facilitate new ways of producing those things, symbols, and experiences that make up everyday life.After analyzing the parallel histories of capitalism and design, Wizinsky offers some historical examples of anticapitalist, noncapitalist, and postcapitalist models of design practice. These range from the British Arts and Crafts movement of the nineteenth century to contemporary practices of growing furniture or biotextiles and automated forms of production. Drawing on insights from sociology, philosophy, economics, political science, history, environmental and sustainability studies, and critical theory—fields not usually seen as central to design—he lays out core principles for postcapitalist design; offers strategies for applying these principles to the three layers of project, practice, and discipline; and provides a set of practical guidelines for designers to use as a starting point. The work of postcapitalist design can start today, Wizinsky says—with the next project.
S’appuyant d’abord sur le contrôle d’un territoire puis sur une extension tentaculaire à l’échelle de la planète, les mafias dessinent une géographie singulière avec ses lieux et ses ancrages. Elles s’affranchissent des frontières réelles ou symboliques, entre légal et illégal, exploitent la mondialisation des trafics et la fragmentation des espaces politiques, et accroissent ainsi un …
This book is a reaction to popular assumptions that innovation is always a force for good. While the popular press and politicians often take the view that
John R. Blakinger, Un Camouflage New Bauhaus : György Kepes et la...
Ce petit volume rassemble textes et cahiers iconographiques sous les auspices du camouflage militaire de grande envergure pratiqué aux Etats-Unis pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ces documents a...
Turkey is home to the largest Syrian refugee community in the world and the agricultural industry offers work opportunities for vulnerable Syrian refugee famili…