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Proto-State Media Systems
Proto-State Media Systems
Proto-State Media Systems explores how decisions by contemporary violent extremist groups create, develop, and sustain media systems. Focusing on the cases of al-Qaeda and ISIS, this book showcases how standard media systems theory fails to fully explain the media systems of these organizations as a basis for building a revised theoretical lens that comprehends these emergent systems in the 21st century global media context.
Proto-State Media Systems
Creative Leadership
Creative Leadership
The changing realities of our time - especially the unprecedented situation in 2020 - calls for leadership that moves beyond outdated models or frameworks that are driven by the tired rhetoric of management, business or patriarchal notions of commandment. There is a need for new forms of leadership that are more empathetic and expansive, conversational and communal, and above all, creative. This informative and accessible book examines whether designers can actually be leaders and, if so, whether they can be better leaders because of their creative capability. It then examines how the tools of design, particularly in its most human-centred and collaborative form, might actually hold the key for the next generation of leadership.Creative leadership is based on three values that give everyone leadership potential: creativity, clarity and empathy. Creativity is a universal ability to develop solutions that positively impact ourselves and others; empathy is the hallmark of a 21st century leader; and clarity is the missing link in aligning vision, direction, and communication. Whilst the term 'Creative Leadership' has existed on the sidelines for decades, the articulation of it in this book is unique. The ideas grew from the author's experience in leading over 100 design projects with government, business and the third sector - from small, medium enterprises, to large multinationals. They have been tested out internationally through workshops and research conducted with individuals and organisations.
Creative Leadership
The Trouble With Big Data
The Trouble With Big Data
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on It is funded by Trinity College D…
The Trouble With Big Data
Marx and the Robots
Marx and the Robots
Marxist discourse around automation has recently become waylaid with breathless techno-pessimist dystopias and fanciful imaginations of automated luxury comm...
Marx and the Robots
L’imaginaire collectif
L’imaginaire collectif
L\'imaginaire collectif que l\'auteur différencie des notions connexes de représentation, d\'idéologie et même d\'imaginaire social, désigne l\'ensemble des éléments qui s\'organisent, pour un groupe donné mais à son insu, en une unité significative. Psychosociologue clinicienne, pratiquant la recherche et l\'intervention depuis de longues années dans différents milieux professionnels, Florence Giust-Desprairies nous propose ici une théorisation originale de la notion d\'imaginaire collectif, référée à une pluralité d\'auteurs mais articulée directement à son expérience des groupes et des organisations. Comme le dit Eugène Enriquez dans sa préface, l\'auteur nous plonge dans l\'univers « d\'écoles, de centres de formation, d\'une entreprise industrielle, à la rencontre de sujets saisis individuellement ou en groupe. On les voit s\'affronter, agencer les éléments pertinents de leurs constructions collectives, découvrir des scénarios méconnus qui fondent leurs actions, élaborer de nouvelles significations... L\'auteur sait nous rendre proches ces sujets qui bougent, désirent, se protègent, s\'affrontent devant nous dans de véritables courts métrages où l\'on voit se faire et se défaire \
L’imaginaire collectif
Verso Books is the largest independent, radical publishing house in the English-speaking world.
nicolasnova on Twitter
nicolasnova on Twitter
Lots of interesting insights, tips and recommendations in there 👇🏼— nicolasnova (@nicolasnova) January 27, 2022
nicolasnova on Twitter
The Digital Factory
The Digital Factory
The Digital Factory reveals the hidden human labor that supports today’s digital capitalism.   The workers of today’s digital factory include those in Amazon warehouses, delivery drivers, Chinese gaming workers, Filipino content moderators, and rural American search engine optimizers. Repetitive yet stressful, boring yet often emotionally demanding, these jobs require little formal qualification, but can demand a large degree of skills and knowledge. This work is often hidden behind the supposed magic of algorithms and thought to be automated, but it is in fact highly dependent on human labor.   The workers of today’s digital factory are not as far removed from a typical auto assembly line as we might think. Moritz Altenried takes us inside today’s digital factories, showing that they take very different forms, including gig economy platforms, video games, and Amazon warehouses. As Altenried shows, these digital factories often share surprising similarities with factories from the industrial age. As globalized capitalism and digital technology continue to transform labor around the world, Altenried offers a timely and poignant exploration of how these changes are restructuring the social division of labor and its geographies as well as the stratifications and lines of struggle.
The Digital Factory
DesignAndHuman on Twitter
DesignAndHuman on Twitter
Lecture du moment, entre philosophie et contestation ✊ →— DesignAndHuman (@designandhuman) November 11, 2021
DesignAndHuman on Twitter
DesignAndHuman on Twitter
DesignAndHuman on Twitter
Couverture du livre que je viens de finaliser avec les articles des étudiants en DSAA1 du Pôle Supérieur de Design de Villefontaine.—La thématique du livre est la question des futurs possibles du design dans de nombreux domaines (numérique, ruralité, e…— DesignAndHuman (@designandhuman) December 11, 2021
DesignAndHuman on Twitter
Verso Books is the largest independent, radical publishing house in the English-speaking world.
Shaping Cities in an Urban Age
Shaping Cities in an Urban Age
An authoritative – and fascinating – investigation into the spatial and social dynamics of cities at a global scale
Shaping Cities in an Urban Age
Deep Adaptation: Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos
Deep Adaptation: Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos
Deep adaptation refers to the personal and collective changes that might help us to prepare for and live with a climate-influenced breakdown or collapse of our societies. It is a framework for responding to the terrifying realization of increasing disruption by committing ourselves to reducing suffering while saving more of society and the natural world. This is the first book to show how professionals across different sectors are beginning to incorporate the acceptance of likely or unfolding societal breakdown into their work and lives. They do not assume that our current economic, social and political systems can be made resilient in the face of climate change but, instead, they demonstrate the caring and creative ways that people are responding to the most difficult realization with which humanity may ever have to come to terms. Edited by the originator of the concept of deep adaptation, Jem Bendell, and a leading climate activist and strategist, Rupert Read, this book is the essential introduction to the concept, practice and emerging global movement of Deep Adaptation to climate chaos.
Deep Adaptation: Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos
Forms of Aid
Forms of Aid
For some time now, the subject of cooperation in the context of development aid has featured in the education of architects. However, up to now there have hardly been any attempts to critically place the work of architects and urban designers in this context. The book highlights the architectural consequences of humanitarian actions on the basis of three case studies – in Port-au-Prince, the West Bank, and Nairobi. The authors analyze twelve projects in terms of typology and construction and establish a differentiated position in the discourse on short-term housing for emergency situations. They investigate the far-reaching effects of such architectural aid and supply architects, town planners, and NGOs with useful advice for future planning and design.
Forms of Aid
Atmosphere Anatomies
Atmosphere Anatomies
Published by Lars Müller Publishers. Pbk, 6.5 x 9.5 in. / 360 pgs / 150 color.
Atmosphere Anatomies
Linkography: Unfolding the Design Process (Design Thinking, Design Theory)
Linkography: Unfolding the Design Process (Design Thinking, Design Theory)
Linkography: Unfolding the Design Process (Design Thinking, Design Theory) [Goldschmidt, Gabriela] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Linkography: Unfolding the Design Process (Design Thinking, Design Theory)
Linkography: Unfolding the Design Process (Design Thinking, Design Theory)
Deux livres pour mieux appréhender la manière dont la Chine se confronte au reste du monde
Deux livres pour mieux appréhender la manière dont la Chine se confronte au reste du monde
Le sinologue Jean-Pierre Cabestan, dans « Demain la Chine : guerre ou paix ? », et le journaliste Pierre-Antoine Donnet, avec « Chine, le grand prédateur », analysent les risques et les enjeux stratégiques d’un face-à-face tendu entre Pékin et l’Occident.
Deux livres pour mieux appréhender la manière dont la Chine se confronte au reste du monde
Les Pirates des Lumières ou la véritable histoire de Libertalia (David Graeber) // Les éditions Libertalia
Les Pirates des Lumières ou la véritable histoire de Libertalia (David Graeber) // Les éditions Libertalia
Flibustiers, femmes marchandes et simulacres de royaumes à Madagascar au XVIIIe siècle. « Je vais raconter une histoire de magie et de mensonges, de batailles navales et de princesses enlevées, de révoltes d'esclaves et de chasses à l'homme, de royaumes de pacotille et d'ambassadeurs imposteurs, d'espions et de voleurs de joyaux, d'empoisonneurs et de sectateurs du diable et d'obsession sexuelle, toutes choses qui participent des origines de la liberté (...)
Les Pirates des Lumières ou la véritable histoire de Libertalia (David Graeber) // Les éditions Libertalia
Practical Ethnography: A Guide to Doing Ethnography in the Private Sector: Sam Ladner: 9781611323900: Books
Practical Ethnography: A Guide to Doing Ethnography in the Private Sector: Sam Ladner: 9781611323900: Books
Practical Ethnography: A Guide to Doing Ethnography in the Private Sector [Sam Ladner] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Ethnography is an increasingly important research method in the private sector, yet ethnographic literature continues to focus on an academic audience. Sam Ladner fills the gap by advancing rigorous ethnographic practice that is tailored to corporate settings where colleagues are not steeped in social theory
Practical Ethnography: A Guide to Doing Ethnography in the Private Sector: Sam Ladner: 9781611323900: Books