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The reading List

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librairies indépendantes
Une étrange défaite - Didier Fassin - Éditions La Découverte
Une étrange défaite - Didier Fassin - Éditions La Découverte
: Avec le recul du temps, les événements qui, après l'attaque meurtrière du Hamas le 7 octobre 2023, se sont déroulés en Palestine et leur réception dans une grande partie des lieux de pouvoir, tant politiques qu'intellectuels, de la planète apparaîtront à la lumière crue de leur signification : plus que l'abandon d'une partie de l'humanité, dont la réalpolitique internationale a donné maints exemples récents, c'est le soutien apporté à sa destruction que retiendra l'histoire. Cet acquiescement à la dévastation de Gaza et au massacre de sa population par l'État d'Israël, à quoi s'ajoute la persécution des habitants de Cisjordanie, a suscité l'indignation de celles et ceux qui, tout en condamnant les actes sanglants ayant déclenché l'offensive, rappelaient les décennies de spoliation, de violence et d'humiliation qui les avait précédés et refusaient la poursuite de l'écrasement d'un peuple et de l'effacement de sa mémoire. Mais on les a stigmatisés et réprimés. Une police de la pensée s'est imposée. Le détournement des mots et l'inversion des valeurs ont mis à l'épreuve l'intelligence politique et le discernement moral. Ce livre propose une archive et une analyse de cette abdication historique.
Une étrange défaite - Didier Fassin - Éditions La Découverte
The New Designer
The New Designer
How to develop an ethical design practice and build a better world.The choices made by designers have a significant effect on the world. Yet so much of the d...
The New Designer
Top 10 books on social impact architecture and design - Master of International Cooperation Sustainable Emergency Architecture
Top 10 books on social impact architecture and design - Master of International Cooperation Sustainable Emergency Architecture
Summer is a great time to catch up on good reads. For those interested in socially-oriented architecture, urbanism and design, we've put together a roundup of recent publications recommended by some of our faculty members, who are always on top of the latest literature pertaining to the field of development and design. For more, check
Top 10 books on social impact architecture and design - Master of International Cooperation Sustainable Emergency Architecture
The WEIRDest People in the World
The WEIRDest People in the World
A New York Times Notable Book of 2020A Bloomberg Best Non-Fiction Book of 2020A Behavioral Scientist Notable Book of 2020A Human Behavior & Evolution Soc...
The WEIRDest People in the World
Bi-Scriptual » Niggli Verlag
Bi-Scriptual » Niggli Verlag
As a result of globalization and increased interaction across countries and cultures, multilingualism is becoming increasingly important all around the world.
Bi-Scriptual » Niggli Verlag
Across the world, algorithms are changing the nature of work. Nowhere is this clearer than in the logistics and distribution sectors, where workers are instructed, tracked and monitored by increasingly dystopian management technologies.In Cyberboss, Craig Gent takes us into workplaces where algorithms rule to excavate
New Dark Age
New Dark Age
From the highly acclaimed author of WAYS OF BEING. We live in times of increasing inscrutability. Our news feeds are filled with unverified, unverifiable speculation, much of it automatically generated by anonymous software. As a result, we no longer understand what is happening around us. Underlying all of these trend
New Dark Age
Communism and Strategy
Communism and Strategy
If the question of communism is making a comeback today, this renewed interest is often accompanied by an abandonment of any concrete political perspective. Critical philosophies are flourishing and proliferating, but, folded into the academic terrain, they often remain disconnected from the global issues associated wi
Communism and Strategy
Marx: Towards the Centre of Possibility
Marx: Towards the Centre of Possibility
Originally published in 1974, Kojin Karatani’s Marx: Towards the Centre of Possibility has been among his most enduring and pioneering works in critical theory. Written at a time when the political sequences of the New Left had collapsed into crisis and violence, with widespread political exhaustion for the competing s
Marx: Towards the Centre of Possibility
As we face the compounded crises of late capitalism, environmental catastrophe and technological transformation, who are the thinkers and the ideas who will allow us to understand the world we live in? McKenzie Wark surveys three areas at the cutting edge of current critical thinking: design, environment, technology an
Road to Nowhere
Road to Nowhere
Silicon Valley wants us to believe that technology will revolutionize our cities and the ways we move around. Autonomous vehicles will make us safer, greener, and more efficient. On-demand services like Uber and Lyft will eliminate car ownership. Micromobility devices like electric scooters will be at every corner, and
Road to Nowhere
Hollow Land
Hollow Land
Verso Books is the largest independent, radical publishing house in the English-speaking world, publishing one hundred books a year.
Hollow Land
Investigative Aesthetics
Investigative Aesthetics
Today, artists are engaged in investigation. They probe corruption, state violence, environmental destruction and repressive technologies. At the same time, fields not usually associated with aesthetics make powerful use of it. Journalists and legal professionals pore over open source videos and satellite imagery to un
Investigative Aesthetics
Géopolitique des petites puissances - Thibault Fouillet - Éditions La Découverte
Géopolitique des petites puissances - Thibault Fouillet - Éditions La Découverte
: Comment comprendre la résistance inattendue à l'agression russe en Ukraine ? Pourquoi un micro-État comme Singapour est-il devenu une superpuissance financière ? Qu'est-ce qui permet aux monarchies du Golfe d'exercer autant d'influence ? Cette logique de David contre Goliath n'est pas nouvelle, elle est même une constante dans l'histoire des petites puissances. Celles-ci jouent un rôle souvent sous-estimé, que ce soit du point de vue militaire (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Ukraine), économique (Singapour, pays du Golfe) ou encore diplomatique (Forum des petits États de l'ONU). L'intérêt de cet ouvrage est de se pencher sur ces acteurs, oubliés de l'analyse des relations internationales, alors que leur rôle géopolitique est plus important qu'on ne le soupçonne. Il porte sur cette réalité un regard d'autant plus actuel que ces pays sont au cœur des crises d'aujourd'hui et de demain (Ukraine, Taïwan, Haut-Karabagh, Yémen...).
Géopolitique des petites puissances - Thibault Fouillet - Éditions La Découverte
The New Mediterranean
The New Mediterranean
Introducing the designers and architects who are leading the way, while investigating the traditional craftsmanship at the heart of this movement.
The New Mediterranean
Work Better. Live Smarter. Be Happier.
Work Better. Live Smarter. Be Happier.
Discover how to start a business and build a life you love. Work Better. Live Smarter. Be Happier. explores how to start and run a meaningful business. Alongside Courier magazine, this book profiles successful entrepreneurs and provides practical advice, insight and inspiration on how to follow in their footsteps.
Work Better. Live Smarter. Be Happier.
Slow Down. How Degrowth Communism Can Save the Earth – book review
Slow Down. How Degrowth Communism Can Save the Earth – book review
Kohei Saito’s Slow Down attempts to argue for a ‘degrowth communism’, but he misunderstands Marx, and sees no revolutionary role for the working class, argues Elaine Graham-Leigh Slow Down is the English translation of Kohei Saito’s Japanese work Capital in the Anthropocene, which became an unlikely hit when it was published in 2020, selling half a million copies.
Slow Down. How Degrowth Communism Can Save the Earth – book review
CAPS LOCK by Ruben Pater - slanted
CAPS LOCK by Ruben Pater - slanted
“CAPS LOCK” is an inspirational book by Ruben Pater that retraces the relations between graphic design and capitalism.
CAPS LOCK by Ruben Pater - slanted
Research Design in the Social Sciences
Research Design in the Social Sciences
A state-of-the-art approach to evaluating research design for students and scholars across the social sciences
Research Design in the Social Sciences
The Empire of Climate
The Empire of Climate
How the specter of climate has been used to explain history since antiquity
The Empire of Climate
Ethnographic Thinking: From Method to Mindset
Ethnographic Thinking: From Method to Mindset
This second edition of Ethnographic Thinking: From Method to Mindset serves as a primer for practitioners who want to apply ethnography to real-world challenges and commercial ventures. Building on the first edition, each chapter now includes a section focusing on practical advice to help readers activate key insights in their work. The book’s premise — that the thought processes and patterns ethnographers develop through their practice have strategic value beyond consumer insights — remai
Ethnographic Thinking: From Method to Mindset