Chapter 5 - Responding to Music

Chapter 5 - Responding to Music

#mlt5 #opera #theater
Hansel & Gretel: Design your own Opera! | Creative Kids Education Foundation
Hansel & Gretel: Design your own Opera! | Creative Kids Education Foundation
Hansel and Gretel: Learning about Opera! is an online educational experience featuring Humperdinck's Opera Hansel and Gretel. Players can control interactive elements in every scene and watch the play unfold. Design your OWN opera!Parents and children or student groups can experience and enjoy these activities together and learn about opera music and theatre. Music listening guides and music games assist with exploration of the elements of orchestral and opera music. At the end of the story, additional information and resources can be found Backstage at the Opera.
Hansel & Gretel: Design your own Opera! | Creative Kids Education Foundation