Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

#tools #Video
TubeChop - Chop YouTube Videos
TubeChop - Chop YouTube Videos
For those of us who give presentations, write blogs, or post on social media, we often want to offer a snippet of a longer video to make a point, get a laugh, or otherwise spice things up. Enter TubeChop. The platform is beautiful for its simplicity. Just find the YouTube, Vimeo, TedTalk, or other video that you would like to sample and paste the link into TubeChop. Then use the end bars to choose the exact second when your clip will begin and end, select "chop it," and copy or embed the generated link.
TubeChop - Chop YouTube Videos
Peanut Gallery
Peanut Gallery
PEANUT GALLERY is a Chrome Experiment that lets you add intertitles to old film clips using your voice, then share those clips with your friends. It uses your computer's microphone and the Web Speech API in Google Chrome to turn speech into text.Where does the name “peanut gallery” come from?In the early twentieth century, the “peanut gallery” was a nickname for the most rambunctious seats in the theater, where people would eat cheap peanuts and provide colorful commentary during the show.
Peanut Gallery