Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

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ArtsEdSearch Home
ArtsEdSearch Home
ArtsEdSearch.org is the nation’s one-stop shop for research, policy, and advocacy information on arts learning—a dynamic resource that will capture the growing body of research evidence about the benefits of arts learning both in and out of school. Includes 200 + high quality studies.
ArtsEdSearch Home
National Coalition for Core Arts Standards
National Coalition for Core Arts Standards
The National Coalition for Core Arts Standards is a newly formed partnership of organizations and states who will lead the revision of the 1994 National Standards for Arts Education. The National Coalition for Core Arts Standards (NCCAS) plans to complete its work and release new, national voluntary arts education standards in fall, 2012. The standards will describe what students should know and be able to do as a result of a quality curricular arts education program. NCCAS is committed to developing a next generation of voluntary arts education standards that will build on the foundation...
National Coalition for Core Arts Standards