Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

#SIGMT #technology
JOTS - Journal of Technology Studies
JOTS - Journal of Technology Studies
The International Honorary for Professions in Technology, Epsilon Pi Tau, sponsors the JOTS so that it can provide an "open forum for the exchang of relevant ideas in the field of Technology Studies. The online version has all the text and graphics published in the paper version.
JOTS - Journal of Technology Studies
TPACK 101 | Dr Matthew J. Koehler
TPACK 101 | Dr Matthew J. Koehler
TPACK 101 - Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), builds on Shulman’s idea of PCK, and attempts to capture some of the essential qualities of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the
TPACK 101 | Dr Matthew J. Koehler
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching
These videos were created for teachers to help them to incorporate technology into their teaching. Just click and a video will open and take you through how to use that technology. There is a special page of videos for students interested in multimedia,
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching