Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

#Videos #videos
Postmodern Jukebox
Postmodern Jukebox
Awesome videos of modern, high quality original musical performances reflecting a variety of popular styles and genres. "My goal with Postmodern Jukebox is to get my audience to think of songs not as rigid, ephemeral objects, but like malleable globs of silly putty. Songs can be twisted, shaped, and altered without losing their identities–just as we grow, age, and expire without losing ours–and it is through this exploration that the gap between “high” and “low” art can be bridged most readily."
Postmodern Jukebox
Backpack TV | Education video library focused on math, science, and other academic subjects.
Backpack TV | Education video library focused on math, science, and other academic subjects.
At Backpack TV, you can quickly find education videos to help you with math, science, and other academic subjects. Of course, success in school starts with paying attention in class and working hard outside of class, but when you need extra help, turn to backpack.tv. Spend less time looking and more time learning.
Backpack TV | Education video library focused on math, science, and other academic subjects.
WebVideoFetcher.com - Download and Convert videos directly from Youtube, Facebook, Google, Metacafe and more. Instant Online Video Converter.
WebVideoFetcher.com - Download and Convert videos directly from Youtube, Facebook, Google, Metacafe and more. Instant Online Video Converter.
The WebVideoFetcher is an application designed to allow users to convert and download nearly any audio or video URL from a range of sources, such as YouTube, Google, or Facebook. Visitors can simply drop the URL for the item in question into the handy form here and the application will take care of the rest. This version is compatible with all operating systems.
WebVideoFetcher.com - Download and Convert videos directly from Youtube, Facebook, Google, Metacafe and more. Instant Online Video Converter.
Annenberg Learner uses media and telecommunications to advance excellent teaching in American schools. This mandate is carried out chiefly by the funding and broad distribution of educational video programs with coordinated Web and print materials for the professional development of K-12 teachers. It is part of The Annenberg Foundation and advances the Foundation's goal of encouraging the development of more effective ways to share ideas and knowledge.Annenberg Learner's multimedia resources help teachers increase their expertise in their fields and assist them in improving their teaching...
Percussive Arts Society
Percussive Arts Society
The Percussive Arts Society offers students, teachers and professionals many valuable learning tools to succeed. PAS provides a number of print and online resources that can be used in lessons or that can be incorporated into your daily practice routine. You can start learning with PAS today with the following resources: Practice and Teaching Materials, HOTlicks, Rudiments, FUNdamentals, PASIC Session Handouts, Career Development, Other Online Resources, Education Videos, Online Research Journal, Compositions Research, Programs, and Composition and Festival Repertoire.
Percussive Arts Society
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching
These videos were created for teachers to help them to incorporate technology into their teaching. Just click and a video will open and take you through how to use that technology. There is a special page of videos for students interested in multimedia,
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching
Rock Peaks Video
Rock Peaks Video
RockPeaks.com is the web's largest database of live rock and roll video. With nearly 5000 clips already listed, RockPeaks.com draws on the knowledge of music fans everywhere to paint a comprehensive picture of the film, TV and video history of rock, from
Rock Peaks Video
Glogster | Education
Glogster | Education
What is Glogster.com?Mix graphics, photos, videos, music and text into slick Glogs. Glog yourself every day!Amaze your friends - send others links to your Glogs.Share your profile! - show your creations on MySpace, Facebook, Hi5, Friendster, Bebo or w
Glogster | Education