Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

#tutorial #SIGMT
Vimeo Video School
Vimeo Video School
Vimeo Video School is a fun place for anyone to learn how to make better videos. It’s a one-stop-shop for Vimeo Lessons and user-made video tutorials about a variety of video-making topics.
Vimeo Video School
An interactive computer-based game for learning the recorder. The game contributes to musical awareness - rhythm and timing, fingering technique and coordination, correct and stable tone production, musical ear training, enhanced practice motivation, and
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching
These videos were created for teachers to help them to incorporate technology into their teaching. Just click and a video will open and take you through how to use that technology. There is a special page of videos for students interested in multimedia,
Teacher Training Videos Free on-line training in using technology in teaching