Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

WiZiQ is a web-based platform for anyone and everyone who wants to teach and learn live, online. Teachers and students use WiZiQ for its state-of-the-art virtual classroom, to create and share online educational content and tests, and to connect with pers
iPad Music Education Project
iPad Music Education Project
The iPMEP has the following goals:-Facilitate theory and ear training-Teach basic piano skills-Replace paper worksheets and tests-Replace paper octavos (with public domain music or permission from publishers)-Use cloud technology to make student
iPad Music Education Project
PhoneGap is an open source development framework for building cross-platform mobile apps. Build apps in HTML and JavaScript and still take advantage of core features in iPhone/iTouch, iPad, Google Android, Palm, Symbian and Blackberry SDKs.
Cool Tools for iPhone App Development «
Cool Tools for iPhone App Development «
This is a presentation and collection of resources that was shared by the Apple Distinguished Educators at ITSC. I did check that this was okay to share and he was happy with it, but please cite where it came from. It was a very brief, but interesting ‘un
Cool Tools for iPhone App Development «
Royalty Free Music
Royalty Free Music
Who says you can't get something for nothing? Royaltyfreemusic.com offers a variety of FREE high-quality royalty free items, including royalty free stock footage, royalty free sound effects, royalty free clip art, royalty free images, royalty free photos,
Royalty Free Music
TipsAndTricks - Dropbox Wiki
TipsAndTricks - Dropbox Wiki
This portal talks about tips and tricks discovered while using Dropbox. Articles may use technical language. Tips and tricks could vary from interesting workflow combinations involving Dropbox to unique uses for the application.
TipsAndTricks - Dropbox Wiki
MOO is a printing company. We print beautiful products, using images you've uploaded directly, or designs from our designer galleries: Business Cards, MiniCards, Greeting Cards, Postcards, & Holiday Cards.
New Media Literacies
New Media Literacies
New Media Literacies (NML), a research initiative based within USC's Annenberg School for Communication, explores how we might best equip young people with the social skills and cultural competencies required to become full participants in an emergent med
New Media Literacies