Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

iPodlounge is an independent provider of information about Apple Computer Inc.'s iPod digital audio players, accessories, and related software, published online at www.ipodlounge.com. Based in Irvine, California, the iPodlounge website is owned and operat
Fluid - Turn Your Favorite Web Apps into Real Mac Apps.
Fluid - Turn Your Favorite Web Apps into Real Mac Apps.
Web applications like Gmail, Facebook, Campfire and Pandora are becoming more and more like desktop applications every day. Running each of these web apps in a separate tab in your browser can be a real pain.Fluid lets you create a Real Mac App (or "Fluid App") out of any website or web application, effectively turning your favorite web apps into OS X desktop apps.Creating a Fluid App out of your favorite website is simple. Enter the website's URL, provide a name, and optionally choose an icon. Click "Create", and within seconds your chosen website has a permanent home on your Mac as a real...
Fluid - Turn Your Favorite Web Apps into Real Mac Apps.
Macs vs PCs - Education, Business, Anyone
Macs vs PCs - Education, Business, Anyone
PC myths debunked.In mid-2000 our local North Carolina K-12 school district decided to "standardize on the Windows/PC platform." At that time 90%+ of their computers were Macs. A group of local taxpayers (including teachers) felt that this was inappropr
Macs vs PCs - Education, Business, Anyone
Planbook by Hellmansoft
Planbook by Hellmansoft
Planbook lets you enter your schedule- from the simplest 6 period school day to 2-week rotations, adjust for holidays and cancelled school days (snow days!) with a single click, add lessons on Saturdays and Sundays, quickly modify plans for those times wh
Planbook by Hellmansoft
Mac vs PC - Benchmark and Speed Tests - PC versus Mac - Apple, Windows Reviews - Popular Mechanics
Mac vs PC - Benchmark and Speed Tests - PC versus Mac - Apple, Windows Reviews - Popular Mechanics
In both the laptop and desktop showdowns, Apple’s computers were the winners. Oddly, the big difference didn’t come in our user ratings, where we expected the famously friendly Mac interface to shine. Our respondents liked the look and feel of both operat
Mac vs PC - Benchmark and Speed Tests - PC versus Mac - Apple, Windows Reviews - Popular Mechanics
The following information is a computer platform cost of ownership study that was done at Regina Coeli School in Toledo, Ohio. This study was conducted from August of 2000 through January of 2005. The study is based upon support incidents that took place
Apple Get a Mac: The Complete Campaign
Apple Get a Mac: The Complete Campaign
We know how you love Apple's "Get a Mac" ads with John Hodgman and Justin Long. So, here are all 66 TV spots (plus the 90-second extended version of 2008's musical ad "Sad Song") that have aired since the campaign, created by TBWA Media Arts Lab, launched
Apple Get a Mac: The Complete Campaign
Vienna RSS | The Free and Open Source RSS/Atom Reader for Mac OS X
Vienna RSS | The Free and Open Source RSS/Atom Reader for Mac OS X
Vienna is an RSS/Atom reader for Mac OS X, packed with powerful features that help you make sense of the flood of information that is distributed via these formats today. The Vienna Project is continuously being improved and updated, so keep up to date with current development on the forums.
Vienna RSS | The Free and Open Source RSS/Atom Reader for Mac OS X