Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

ARTscape is a powerful new intellectual tool that uses PEM’s objects as a launching point for a user’s self-guided journey through art and culture. Data in ARTscape includes photos and descriptions of objects in PEM’s collection, definitions, book e
Frank Loesser - Award Winning Broadway Musical Composer, Director and Playwright
Frank Loesser - Award Winning Broadway Musical Composer, Director and Playwright
Frank Loesser was able to use his remarkable songwriting talents to create such classic Tin Pin Alley songs as “Once in Love with Amy”, “Standing on the Corner”, and of course, “Luck Be a Lady Tonight”. His career spanned four decades, and he
Frank Loesser - Award Winning Broadway Musical Composer, Director and Playwright
Musipedia: Musipedia Melody Search Engine
Musipedia: Musipedia Melody Search Engine
Musipedia is a searchable, editable, and expandable collection of tunes, melodies, and musical themes. Entries can contain a bit of sheet music, a MIDI file, textual information about the work and the composer, and last but not least the Parsons Code, a rough description of the melodic contour. Musipedia uses the "Melodyhound" melody search engine. You can find and identify a tune even if the melody is all you know. You can play it on a piano keyboard, whistle it to the computer, simply tap the rhythm on the computer keyboard or use the Parsons code.
Musipedia: Musipedia Melody Search Engine
Texas School Music Project
Texas School Music Project
This site is intended to help you make music with children by providing ideas and information about specific problems common to all specialists in your discipline. Within these pages you will find teaching tips and "tricks of the trade" for music educato
Texas School Music Project
Digital Scores - Loeb Music Library - Harvard College Library
Digital Scores - Loeb Music Library - Harvard College Library
The Loeb Music Library, using the systems and services for image digitization developed by the Harvard University Library's (HUL) Library Digital Initiative, is creating an expansible resource of scanned images of rare and unique musical scores that will
Digital Scores - Loeb Music Library - Harvard College Library