Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

Highlight - Show & Tell
Highlight - Show & Tell
A small and simple piece of software that allows you to put an invisible drawing sheet on top of whatever is on your screen, and offers basic drawing capabilities : the missing link between you and your audience is here!
Highlight - Show & Tell
Flickr: Presentation Zen Photos
Flickr: Presentation Zen Photos
This group is for people who have read Garr Reynolds' book, Presentation Zen, or really for anyone who gives presentations on a regular basis. We invite you to post images you've used in presentations, or even pictures you've taken that you think would be
Flickr: Presentation Zen Photos
This simple piece provides the capacity for speaker or presenter to to participate in the backchannel of a talk or conference session by integrating live 'tweets' into an Apple Keynote presentation. Simply add text inside the tags [twitter] and [/twitter]
Keynote Classroom: Keynote News, Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, and Other Resources
Keynote Classroom: Keynote News, Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, and Other Resources
KeynoteClassroom.com is an online resource built and maintained by Mike Sammartano, an 8th grade Earth Science teacher in a public middle school just north of New York City. Mike is a member of the 2011 class of Apple Distinguished Educators and the 2012 class of Google Certified Teachers. He is passionate about educational technology and instructional media design. Numerous tutorials and other resources for using Keynote in creative ways.
Keynote Classroom: Keynote News, Tips, Tricks, Tutorials, and Other Resources