Diigo Imports

Diigo Imports

#MUED #music #psychology
This is the web site for the book "This is Your Brain on Music" by Daniel J. Levitin. It includes a number of interactive features including musical examples, a discussion board, an interactive brain, and a media archive.
Music Psychology and Cognition | Academic Room
Music Psychology and Cognition | Academic Room
Academic Room is a social enterprise that facilitates multidisciplinary engagements among scholars and researchers around the world. Our mission is to democratize access to scholarly resources, which are organized in over 10,000 academic sub-disciplines. We share the conviction that easy and unimpeded access to quality educational resources should be a right and not a privilege. Our platform allows academics, researchers and students to create highly specialized portals for their subfields. These portals can be enriched with professional directories, scholar profiles, video lectures...
Music Psychology and Cognition | Academic Room